Chapter 31

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A/N: Happy Diwali!!! A bit late, I know 😂😂😂 So, how's everyone's Diwali? Any interesting things that happened??? Mine's amazing!!! (Although, I've gained a bit of weight because my friends' parents kept on insisting that I'm a stick and overfed me 😂)

#ootd in the media!!! There's music for this chapter but I'll add them in the story because there's two of them and the media only allows one... So keep your eyes peeled for the music... 😁


What Arjun said about the Sangeet was true. It HAD indeed turned into some hard core dance competition.

Raina begun playing with the ends of her dupatta, a habit she had when she was nervous. Their performance was right at the end which gave Raina a lot of time to mentally practice her dance moves and calm herself down. Unfortunately, it also meant she had time to overthink and panic at the 101 ways she could screw up.

"Partnerji!" Kabir squawked as he crept behind Raina. She jumped and let out a cry in surprise.

"Chill dude," he said. "What's got into you?"

"I don't think I can do this," Raina murmured. "There's too many people around."

"You'll be alright," Kabir replied. "You've got this. And remember, you've got my secret formula to success. Close your eyes, think of the person you love the most and the world will just fade away. And maybe just one more thing..."

He raised his hand and tuck Raina's hair behind her ears. He then carefully removed her glasses.

"There," he said. "That way, you can't tell who's staring at you. And besides, I think you look better without your glasses."

"I think you look better too when I'm not wearing my glasses," she joked.

Kabir laughed. The Raina he knew was back.

"Ouch," he faked feeling insulted. "You hurt my ego, Doctorji. Now you'll have to treat it."

Raina laughed.

"I can hardly see anything," she replied. "How do you want me to treat you? Unless you have a death wish and want me to accidentally stab you or something."

Kabir passed Raina's glasses back to her.

"Here you go," he said. "Although, I'm sure you can't stab me. You need me alive to get paid."

"Tsk," she said as she put her glasses back on. "What a shame."

Kabir smiled.

"Thanks," Raina said.

"For what?" Kabir asked.

"Taking my mind off the dance," she replied.

"It's no big deal," he answered. "That's what friends do, right? They help each other."

Raina smiled.

Suddenly, Kabir felt a tap on his shoulders and turned around.

"Rahul sir?" Kabir said

Immediately, Raina tensed up. The last time Rahul Oberoi was around, things didn't end well.

"Hello Kabir," Rahul said. "I'm glad to see you here. And you too, Dr. Raina. I hope everything's going well."

Raina answered Rahul with a forced smile. Kabir could sense Raina's discomfort.

"Have you met Arjun yet?" Kabir asked. "He's over there with Ayesha."

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