Chapter 14

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A/N: Introducing Priyanka Chopra as Diana Kaur. (Because I love her too much. And no, I didn't name her character after her dog. I named her after Wonder Woman. And trust me, jokes will be played, teasing will happen and references will be made.)

More ootds!!! And if you can recall, Arjun Desai is played by the very talented and good looking Sidhant Gupta...

This chapter dives a little bit more into Kabir's mysterious past and a bit of Sunny and Ayesha romance. I actually considered writing a prequel to this but focused on Sunny and Ayesha. They get too little time here and in my mind I actually have quite a love story for them. Should I? Should I not? Let me know in the comments...

Story time!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter...


The normal 20 minutes journey ended up being 45 minutes long and during the entire ride, neither of them said a word. Kabir paid the taxi and quickly waved him off. Kabir then lets out a sigh of relief.

"We're never doing that again," Kabir said in his normal accent.

"Kyun?" (Why?) Raina mocked. "Thak gaya kya?" (Are you tired?)

"In your dreams," he replied. "I can do this all day."

Raina had to stifle a chuckle.

The both of them then shifted their attention to the boutique behind them. Raina gasped. She had imagined the boutique to be a small shop house amongst other shops. Instead, what greeted her was a grand five storey stand alone building.

"Welcome to Seema's Boutique," Kabir stated. "Well, this one's more of an emporium than a boutique."

"This one?" Raina asked. There's more than one?

Kabir laughed.

"Duh," he said. Raina didn't realize she had vocalized her thoughts. "I'm surprised you've never heard about it. But then again, you're angrez (English)."

Raina huffed.

"So what if I'm angrez (English)?" Raina scolded him. "At least, I try."

Kabir smirked.

"Whatever chasmish (Specky)," he said and he led her in.

The moment they entered the shop, Raina could only gape at the selections. There were traditional clothing, casual wear, dinner dresses formal wear, tuxedos... It even had a small tailor at one end of the ground floor.

Suddenly, a ball of flurry appeared out of nowhere and tackled Kabir. She tensed up. They were caught.

However, instead of prying off the person off, Kabir slung his hand around.

"Arre Di," Kabir said with a smile. "Aap yahan kya kar rahe hoon? (What are you doing here?)"

Apparently, Kabir knew this person.

"Official business," Di replied. "I see you've brought a friend."

"Oh haan (Oh yes)," Kabir said, suddenly remembering Raina. "Di, this is Dr. Raina Jaitley, and Raina this is Di. I can't remember her full name. I've always just called her Di. Or, Wonder Woman. She's awesome at what she does."

"And because Sunny never fails to remind me that my name is Diana," she reminded him. She then turned her attention to Raina. "Hi, I'm Diana Kaur but everyone calls me Di. Nice to meet you, Dr. Raina Jaitley."

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