Chapter 30

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A/N: So sorry for the late update!!! Ran into some problems with my Wi-Fi this weekend and I just had time to get it fixed. But on a more serious note,  I think I might have to return to my once a week update as my schedule is getting a little bit too hectic for double updates... That being said, I'll do double updates whenever I can...

#ootd in the media section...

And now to the story...


Hours flew by and before they knew it, it was a little past 6pm.

Despite constant distractions from Kabir, Ayesha managed to finish teaching them the choreography. All they needed to do was to clean up the moves. Ayesha was confident that they'll rock it tomorrow night.

Ayesha then walked up to Raina, who was engaged in a conversation with Arjun. She wanted to know if Raina had managed to convince Kabir to join them for dinner.

"Raina," she called, interrupting the conversation. "Did you manage to convince Kabir to join us for dinner?"

"Wait," Arjun interrupted, shocked. "You're inviting Kabir for dinner tonight?!"

"Not me," Ayesha told him. "Mom did. She also invited Raina." Ayesha then turned her attention back to Raina. "So, did Kabir say anything?"

Raina shook her head.

"I haven't even told him about dinner yet," she replied. "I don't know how to. But don't worry, even if he refuses, I'll be there to explain his absence."

Explain his absence? Ayesha laughed. This girl is really something.

"How about this?" Ayesha asked. "I ask him and you convince him. At least that way, we could play this 'good cop, bad cop' thing and lure him to dinner."

Arjun scoffed.

"Kabir is seriously pathetic for constantly falling for these tricks," Arjun remarked. "After the amount of times Tara and you pulled this trick... You'd think he'd learn his lesson."

"Ok smarty pants," Ayesha said. "Why won't you do something about it?"

"Why should I?" Arjun refuted. "It's not like I care about what Kabir does."

"Excuse me?" Ayesha asked, annoyed. "He's your brother too."

"Half brother," he replied. "And it's not like he has ever acted like one."

Arjun pushed past the two ladies and stormed off. Just as he opened the meeting room door, he came face to face with Kabir.

Anger begun boiling inside him and Arjun roughly shoved Kabir out of his way.

"Oi!" Kabir cried out.

However, it fell on deaf ears as Arjun ignored him and walked away. Kabir then made his way to Ayesha and Raina. He noticed that they too, had troubled looks plastered across their faces.

"What's got his chaddi twisted in a bunch?" Kabir asked with a chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Mom invited you and Raina for dinner," Ayesha revealed. "And Arjun's not happy about it."

"What?" Kabir asked in disbelief.

"Yesterday," Ayesha said. "At Tara's Mehndi, she suggested that you and Raina should join us for dinner tonight."

"Tell her we're not coming," Kabir replied, almost instantly.

"No," Raina told him. "I'LL tell her YOU are not coming. I've already agreed."

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