Chapter 24

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A/N: I got complained that I wrote my intro A/N a bit too long in the last chapter... 😂😂😂😅😅😅 So, a thousand apologies... I just tend to talk (in this case, write) quite a bit when I'm excited... 😁😁😁🙃🙃🙃

Next, #ootd in the media section. I absolutely love Priyanka's outfit!!! It's simple and pretty...

Now, story time!!! I hope I kept this A/N short enough... 😂😂😂


White noise, that was the very first thing that she realize. That and the very fact that she had an entire zoo doing the Congo in her skull. Her lips were parched and her tongue had a weird taste. She lifted an eyelid only shut it again as a stream of light shot straight in, making her eyes bleed. Ow, the pain!


Raina heard a voice gently calling out to her. Unfortunately for her, it sounded like a vuvuzela being blasted in her brain.


Raina tried prying her eyes open again. This time she filtered the amount of light entering her eyes by covering her face with a pillow.

"Raina," the voice called out again. It sounded like... Kabir? "Are you awake?"

I am now, she thought to herself.

Raina slowly shifted the pillow away from her face to find Kabir grinning at her from the foot of the bed. He was already dressed in a white lined kurta pyjama and ready for the day. Raina used one hand to push herself into a sitting position as her other hand cradled her head.

"Good morning," he said, a little too loud and chirpy for her liking. Kabir thought Raina looked adorable without make up and with her hair sticking out at odd angles. He had suppressed his urge to laugh.

"How did you get in?" Raina choked out. Her voice was horse, it sounded foreign to her ears.

"You were drunk last night," he answered. "I had to rescue you before you did anything you might regret. So, I brought you back to the hotel and I might have forgotten to return the key."

Memories of last night flashed across her mind. After Vishal and Tara had left, Sunny and Di had been adamant to play spin the bottle, despite Ayesha and her protest. It's 4 against 2, Raina recalled Sunny telling them. And for some bizarre reason, the bottle seemed to love her a little bit too much.

"Crap," she cursed under her breath. "I mean, thank you, for saving me."

"You're welcome," he replied. Kabir handed her a bottle of water and she drank it greedily. "Actually, I need your help. Di's passed out on the couch. Can you wake her up for me? My mother is looking for her and I don't want to endure Di's wrath so early in the morning."

"What time is it?" Raina groaned. Outside looked a bit too bright to be 'so early in the morning'.

Kabir took a look at his phone.

"It's 11.15," he answered.

"Oh," she muttered.

There goes breakfast, she thought to herself. However, the thought of food made her stomach churn. Nevermind.

"I'll wake Di up," she informed him. "Do you know the plans for today?"

"For you girls," he replied. "The mehndi starts in a few hours. As for me, I'm practically free for the day."

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