Chapter 43

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A/N: Hi everyone!!! Missed me??? 😂🤣😂 It's been awhile, na???

For this chapter, I'm going to try a new style of writing for this chapter... It's more script like as compared to story because it mostly focuses on the interview.

I'm not casting the role of the interviewer because it's a really small role. So, you can cast anyone you want, even yourself 😂😂😂 (I know I did)


Half a year later...

"Camera on standby. Sound. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. And we're live!"

Kabir fidgited in his chair slightly as the red light came on. He hasn't been in front of the camera for three years. Nervous was an understatement.

Interviewer: Hello, good evening and namaskar everyone. We have in our studio someone who's been out of the limelight for many years due to his troubled personal life but now, he's ready to make a huge comeback. He has won numerous awards and broken record sales with his group as well as during his solo singing career. Let's welcome to our studio, Kabir Varma.

Kabir smiled and gave a small wave at the camera.

Interviewer: Hi, Kabir. How are you today.

Kabir: Hi, I'm good. It's great to be back in this studio. I have a lot of fond memories being here.

Interviewer: Yes, we did have some pretty awesome moments back then. Now, tell us about your big comeback. What inspired you to do it?

Kabir: Erm... There are a lot of factors that contributed to that. My family, especially Ayesha, my sister, and Sunny. My friends... My fans. There's been so much love and concern and I feel like the only way I can repay all of that is to focus on my career.

Interviewer: Can you tell us about your new album?

Kabir:  It's called Addiction. Mostly because a lot of it were things that I came up with or said when I was in a dark place. I just took that and bam! There you have it, a new album.

Interviewer: So it's different from every other of your past album?

Kabir: It has more angst and it's emotionally darker.

Interviewer: Oh I see. You don't have to answer this of you don't want to but... Do you still... Err...

Kabir: Drink? No. It's been about 7 months since I drank alcohol.

Interviewer: That's about the time the news of Vishal's wedding surfaced.

Kabir: Yes, around there.

Interviewer: Why?

Kabir: I spent my first year of my break up wrecking my life. The second, tumbling in and out of bars, getting wasted. And the third, locked up in my sister's house in an attempt to curb my drinking habits. I didn't care then about the implication I was having on my life, my career or my family. And one day when I received Tara and Vishal's wedding card, I realised that the world had moved on and I was still stuck in a rut. So, when Ayesha, Sunny and Rahul sir, my manager, decided to put me into a rehabilitation program, and after a lot of convincing, I did it.

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