Chapter 45

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A/N: Writer's block lifted. I rewrote this chapter so many times because I didn't like where it was going or I thought somethings were out of character and stuff.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this chapter.


The room was quiet and all eyes were on the new entrant.

"Raina," Ayesha finally muttered. She cleared her throat of the initial shock and spoke louder. "Hi. Not to sound rude but, what are you doing here?"

"Sunny called," she explained. "He told me Kabir needed someone to talk to."

"I never said that," Kabir replied.

"But the doctor did," Sunny cut in. "And I figured the only person you would talk to is Raina."

"But she's not my therapist anymore," Kabir retorted. "We finished our sessions months ago."

"Then do you want to start all over again?" Ayesha added.

"Guys just stop this!" Arjun exclaimed. That managed to stop all the commotion in the room. "Kabir, just talk to Raina, please? And to the loving couple in the room, can we talk outside?"

Ayesha and Sunny begrudgingly exited the room, leaving Kabir and Raina alone.

"Hey," he said, awkwardly.

"Hey," she replied as she made her way to the chair next to his bed.

Kabir then swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat facing her.

"On behalf of my nut case siblings and Sunny," Kabir said. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess."

"It's alright," she answered. "You look like you really needed someone to talk to."

Kabir laughed.

"You're doing that thing again," he told her. "That psycho-analysing thing. I guess you're right, it is hard for you to just be friends with your patients once the sessions are over."

"It's a job hazard," she sighed. "I can't help it."

He couldn't help but laughed at her statement.

"It's so good to see you again," he said.

"It's good to see you too," Raina smiled. "Although I wish it could be under better circumstances."

"Me too," Kabir replied. "But at least I'm not in a dress."

"Hospital gown," Raina corrected. "And if you keep up with your schedule, you might eventually end up in one."

"I know," he sighed. "But I need to get on top of things, especially since my new album had turned into a hit and I will be going on tour very soon."

"That is exactly why you need to watch yourself," she told him. "Sunny and Arjun showed me your work schedule and this has been going on for months. There's only so much your body can take before it gives way. Today is just the first warning, what happens if you don't wake up one day? Would everything be worth it, then?"

"I guess not," Kabir hung his head in shame.

"And stop keeping things to yourself," she added. "I thought we worked through that the last time?"

"Can I be honest?" Kabir muttered. "Everyone else is either scared of me or treats me like I'm about to shatter into a million pieces. You're the only one I can really talk to. My mother too but I didn't want to burden the both of you."

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