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Sadie strode toward the betting den, her hands tucked away in her coat and her head held high with her bakerboy cap firmly on her head. Though, she slowed slightly when a car came to a stop a few hundred metres up, her heart beating a little faster. She tucked herself into the closest doorway, watching closely as the driver got out and moved to open the door of the cabin.

A huge grin made her way onto her face when she saw Alfie step out of the car, straightening his jacket out as he looked around the lane. She pushed herself forward, breaking into a jog as she pulled her skirt up a little. She watched him walk around the front of the car, his men watching her closely with their hands on their guns.

'Alfie,' She called as she got closer.

'Hello, sweetheart,' He replied as he caught her in his arms.

He laughed as he held her close, listening to her own laughter.

'It's been far too long, Mr Solomons,' She quipped teasingly.

'Well, if it weren't for the fucking distance, we'd be right, wouldn't we?' He retorted.

'That we fucking would be.'

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he continued to look around, checking his watch as he went.

'Come to Small Heath, you will go to hell for fucking breathing,' He muttered; 'Where is everyone?'

Sadie chuckled at his words, 'We've got an investation, everyone's been advised to stay inside.'

Alfie hummed at her reply, turning to the car when it groaned as someone moved from inside.

'Stretch your legs, treacle,' He called.

The girl's eyes widened at the sight of the huge man getting out of the car, much taller than any man she'd ever seen. The car continued to groan as he got out, letting out one final noise as the man moved to stand.

'Fuck me, looks like he's grown since we left London. He's like a mushroom, in't he?' Alfie stated as he lead her over to the giant; 'He grows in the dark.'

She had to tilt her head right back to look up at the man who was half a body taller than Alfie, the man himself with his head tilted a fair way back.

'I need a piss,' The man muttered.

'Do ya?' He suggested; 'Yeah, well, the place is a shithole... Yeah, so, why don't you just knock yourself out?'

She elbowed him in the stomach as he lead her away again, sending him a pointed look which he rolled his eyes to.

'Where is everyone?' He asked again; 'Ishmael, please, will you hit the call to prayer?'

She watched as Alfie's new follower walked around to the driver's side of the car, leaning in the window to hit the horn. Sadie jumped when it blared for a quick second, Alfie laughing at her as he shook her lightly.

Reaching For Dandelions || Michael GrayWhere stories live. Discover now