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Sadie pushed through the halls of the hospital with Edward beside her, nurses calling out for them to stop. They'd found out Will was in hospital with Thomas through the cops, something they'd decided to keep to themselves until the next morning. She pushed open the door to Will's room, her head tilting to the side when she saw her brother's bloodied and bruised face.

She crossed the room quickly, avoiding his stare as she began to check over his wounds. She moved the sheet to look at his bandages, her fingers running softly over his now bumpy ribs. Edward stood behind her watching, knowing her actions were out of nervousness and habit. It was part of the reason why Will stayed quiet as his sister poked and prodded him.

'Sadie,' Will hissed as she hit another fractured rib; 'Stop.'

'I'm just making sure these bloody nurses are doing their job right,' She muttered lowly; 'Have they given you morphine?'

'I won't go on that. I'm ok, it's just a few bumps and bruises.'

'You got beat by Sabini's boys, none of this is just a few bumps and bruises.'

'But they didn't want me, they wanted Thomas. Once I was out, they hurt him a bit more.'

'I'm worried about you at the moment.'

'Well, fuck off.'

She pouted as she moved to stand, crossing her arms over her chest. She held his gaze as he stared up at her through his swollen eyes, both of them black.

'I'm sorry, love,' He sighed.

'You better be. I'll be back later,' She nodded as she smoothed out her dress.

'Can you bring me some proper food?'


She nodded once more and started for the door, Edward staying with his brother to talk. She moved through the halls with shaking hands, her eyes low; avoiding all eye contact with anyone around her. She strode out the doors, letting out a long breath as she looked over the street; trying to figure out what Thomas' next move was.


Sadie leant against the barn wall as she smoked a cigarette, talking to Curly and Charlie about how she'd found Jimmy in Sussex. She watched as Curly moved another round of liquor to the ground, turning to look toward the gate when it creaked open.

'Curly, you left the gate open?' Charlie whispered as the figure stumbled toward them.

'No, I locked it. I pinched myself when I did it,' Curly replied quickly.

'Get this stuff under cover... Hey! Who goes there?'

'By, God, Tommy,' Sadie exclaimed when she saw the man struggled to walk.

Reaching For Dandelions || Michael GrayWhere stories live. Discover now