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It was living hell in prison, she'd been there eight months. And every day in her cell was driving her slowly insane, but being isolated from normality was something she'd experienced before. She knew how to handle it. She hadn't seen Polly since they were locked up, and every waking second she was thinking about Michael, or her brothers, or the Shelby boys; all of them besides Thomas. She thought about her siblings on the outside, constantly worrying over how Edward would handle taking care of Flossie and Peter.

Her pants bounced off the walls around her, her hands gripped at her stomach as she stood shakily over the pile of pillows and blankets beneath her feet. Sadie clenched her eyes shut as pain shot through her, ignoring the women around her yelling for a doctor. She could feel the sweat trickling down her face, her muscles cramping as they tried to push this baby out of her. A yell left her mouth as she cried, fatigue plaguing her body from the sleepless nights that haunted her.

'Fuck!' She screamed.

'What the fuck's going on? What's with the screaming?' A guard yelled as he hit the bars of the cell her stood in front of.

'She's having a fucking baby!' One of the women yelled.

'Fuck! Someone get a fucking doctor!'

Sadie pushed again, leaning one hand on the wall as she felt herself fading. She yelled and suddenly, it all went away and sobs left her mouth as she collapsed behind the pillows; listening to her newborn cry. Her chest heaved as she leant over to pick the child up, wrapping her little boy up in the somewhat clean blankets she slept in. She wiped him dry, swaddling him in the blanket and held him in her arms.

'Hello, gorgeous boy,' She croaked; 'You look just like your daddy.'

She sobbed into her hand as she held the child, looking down into his deep brown eyes that he got from her, but everything else was Michael; from his hair to his nose. She was yanked up by the guards, who lead her a little less forcefully now that she had a child in her arms. She let them take her to the hospital ward of the prison, a nurse taking it from there. The girl was lead into a bed and asked to sit, the nurse grabbing a clipboard and moved to sit before her.

'Name of the child,' The woman stated monotonously.

'Daniel Theodore Gray,' She replied as she smiled down at her child.

The nurse nodded, writing down a few more things before she spoke again.

'Carer after death?' She asked.

'Lizzie Stark,' Sadie whispered; 'Shelby Company Limited, Small Heath.'

'And if not?'

'Edward Loveridge, seventeen Watery Lane, Small Heath.'

Reaching For Dandelions || Michael GrayWhere stories live. Discover now