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Sadie sat at the bar with a bottle of whiskey sitting before her, a cigarette smoking between her lips. Thomas hadn't come after her, which wasn't surprising as he was there for business, but it still hurt. She let her eyes moved over all the half drunk and laughing people around her gathered into groups, breathing out the smoke she had drawn in.

'Sadie, what the fuck are you doing by yourself?' John asked as approached her; 'You're meant to be with Tom.'

'Told him to get fucked,' She replied before taking a drink.

'Come on, you're coming with me then.'

She let out a huff, sculling the rest of her drink before she was dragged after the boy. She stumbled over her heels, John catching her before walking at a slower pace. Sadie flicked her dead cigarette to the ground, walking closely behind her best friend as he made his way toward Arthur and the others. She wrapped an arm around Edward's back, his arm wrapping around her shoulders as he looked around.

'The coppers aren't moving,' John muttered as he turned to face Sabini's bookies; 'They're stood there like fucking gargoyles... Keep your wits about you, boys, all right?'

'Ladies and gentlemen, the race will begin in four minutes. Please make your way track side,' The feminine voice echoed throughout the race track.

'I thought you were meant to be with Thomas?' James queried.

'I changed my mind,' She shrugged.

'He won't be happy about that,' Will informed her.

'He can go fuck himself for all I care.'

'You pair fighting?' Edward chimed; 'This should make our day more interesting, shan't it, Finn?'

'Damn, right,' The boy smirked.

Sadie shoved the boy off of her as she struggled not to laugh, a smirk sitting on her lips as she turned back to the crowd.

'Ladies and gentlemen, the runners and riders are coming to order, please take your seats,' A man called through the speakers.

'Oh, can we go watch, boys? It's Tommy's horse,' She begged.

'Off you go,' Arthur waved her onward; 'But be ready.'

'When am I not?'

She all but skipped across to the railing of the racetrack, eyes set upon the gates on the opposite side. A loud cheer left her mouth when the race started, the horses charging forward. She was quick to spot Thomas' grey mare towards the middle of the herd, but she kept her position strong. She cheered and cheered, grinning as she watched her horse.

'Sadie, we gotta go,' James grabbed her arm as he came up behind her.

'Now?' She queried.

'Yes, now. The coppers are gone.'

Reaching For Dandelions || Michael GrayWhere stories live. Discover now