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"It's pretty cool that we're dance partners." Puck said as he walked out of the choir room with Quinn. "Even though I can't really dance."

"At least you're not as bad as Finn." Quinn smiled. "I'm really glad you're my partner, too."

Puck smiled. "Really?"

Quinn nodded. "I'm glad it isn't Sam, and I'm really glad it's you."

"Does that mean I can ask you out now?" Puck asked.

Quinn bit her lip. "I want to, but I don't wanna rush things. I can't risk it."

"Why not?" Puck wondered. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"I know, but..." Quinn looked at Puck. "We rushed things last time, and it ended badly."

"Well, usually relationships don't start out with a baby." Puck shrugged.

Quinn nodded. "I'll tell you when I'm ready. I promise."

Puck nodded back. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"See you tomorrow." Quinn replied. "Bye, Noah."

"Bye, Q."

Quinn headed down the hall and left McKinley. She walked to her car where Olivia was already waiting for her.

The girls got in the car and buckled their seatbelts before Quinn started driving home.

"So how are things with Artie?" Quinn asked.

"I haven't really had a chance to get to know him more." Olivia answered.

"First dates are perfect for that, you know." Quinn replied. "That's how I got to know Sam."

Olivia nodded. "Artie's just so cute."

Quinn glanced at Olivia and continued driving. "Talk to him. Artie's a really nice guy, and I'm sure he'd love to go on a date with you."

"You think I should ask him out?" Olivia asked.

Quinn nodded. "Definitely. It's 2011. Girls can ask guys out."

"And speaking of that, when are you gonna ask Noah out?" Olivia questioned Quinn.

"I don't know." Quinn said. "I'm... afraid."

"Of what?" Olivia wondered.

"Getting hurt again." Quinn stated. "Or hurting him."

Olivia nodded slowly. "You just have to think if he's worth the risk."

Quinn nodded back as she thought about it. "He is."

"So when you're ready, ask him out." Olivia advised Quinn.

"Yeah." Quinn said as she parked the car in front of the Fabray/Martin house. She got out of the car and headed inside with Olivia.

Quinn found Judy sitting in the living room with Ruth.

"Hi, Mom." Quinn said as she greeted the women. "Hi, Mrs. Puckerman."

"Ruth." Ruth corrected Quinn with a smile. "Hi, Quinn."

"Hi, honey. Hi, Olivia." Judy smiled. "Have you two met?"

Ruth looked at Olivia. "I don't think so."

"Ruth, this is Olivia. Liv, this is Ruth, Noah's mom." Quinn introduced them.

"It's nice to meet you." Ruth said.

"You, too." Olivia nodded as she shook Ruth's hand. "Your son is really talented."

"You must be in glee club, too." Ruth noted as she looked at Quinn. "When you have a minute, I want to talk to you."

"Sure." Quinn nodded. "We can go inside and talk now."

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