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"Hey, Tubbers."

"Santana." Quinn muttered as she slammed her locker shut and started walking to Olivia's locker.

"Why are you running away from me?" Santana asked.

"In case you haven't noticed, we aren't friends." Quinn stated.

"We were friends when you made me Beth's godmother." Santana reminded Quinn.

"That was months ago." Quinn shrugged.

"I wanna see her." Santana told Quinn.

"No." Quinn shook her head.

Santana folded her arms. "Why not? You let Puck."

"That's... different." Quinn said softly as she spotted Rachel. "Rachel!"

"There you are!" Rachel exclaimed. "A bunch of us are having lunch in the choir room."

"I'll be there." Quinn promised.

Rachel looked at Santana.

"She'll be right there." Santana nodded.

"You're not welcome to join us." Rachel clarified.

"Got it." Santana responded. "See you in glee club, hobbit."

The petite brunette hesitated before walking away.

"Puck needs Beth, and more importantly, she needs him." Quinn told Santana. "You don't deserve to see her."

"Because we had sex last year?" Santana asked. "You slept with him when he and I were dating, so I think we're even."

Quinn shook her head. "You weren't his girlfriend. You were just a booty call."

"Right, well, you know what I think?" Santana began. "I think the reason you'll forgive him so easily and not me is because you think there's still a chance you can get him back and be a happy little family."

"I'm with Sam." Quinn reminded Santana.

"And I'm sure Lady Lips is great." Santana said. "But judging by his Ken Doll haircut, I'd say he's nothing like Puck."

"Sam's a good guy." Quinn said. "I'm happy with him."

"You were happy with Puck." Santana reminded Quinn. "Until you found out he cheated on you and lied about it."

"That's enough." Quinn hissed.

"I'm just saying." Santana shrugged as she started to walk away. "You can blame me for Puck cheating on you, or you can open your eyes and realize that he chose to do that."

Quinn exhaled angrily as the Latina smirked and walked away.

"Hey." Olivia smiled as she walked over to Quinn. "I just went to my locker. Ready for lunch?"

Quinn nodded slowly. "We're eating in the choir room today. I texted Sam."


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