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"Oh, don't lock the door. Noah's right behind us." Quinn told her mom when she got home from school. "He's gonna baby-proof my room and the nursery, and wherever else."

Judy nodded. "Okay."

A few seconds later, Puck walked in.

"Hi, Mrs. Fabray." Puck said.

"Hi, Noah." Judy responded. "Thank you for helping Quinny with the baby-proofing."

"It's no big deal." Puck shrugged. "I get to hang out with my two favorite girls."

Quinn smiled. "We'll be upstairs."

Puck nodded.

Quinn led Puck upstairs to her room. "I guess we'll do my room first, and then the nursery?"

"You can just sit back and relax." Puck told Quinn. "I got this."

"Are you sure?" Quinn asked.

"Yes." Puck said. "But I wouldn't mind the company."

"Of course." Quinn nodded.

Quinn sat on her bed while Puck got to work.

"So I talked to Santana." Puck began.

"About Sam?" Quinn guessed.

"No." Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "Santana said she saw Beth."

"Oh, yeah, she did." Quinn nodded.

Puck nodded back. "Why would I talk to her about Sam?"

"It's a long story." Quinn muttered.

"I have time." Puck stated.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"I'm good at keeping secrets." Puck told Quinn. "You can trust me."

"I know." Quinn said. "I trust you."

"You're not wearing that promise ring anymore." Puck noted.

"I don't wear things Finn gave me either." Quinn responded.

"Wait." Puck paused and looked at Quinn. "Sam dumped you?"

"I broke up with him." Quinn clarified.

"But?" Puck raised his eyebrow.

Quinn bit her lip.

"Santana didn't tell me anything." Puck added as he continued working.

"If I tell you, you need to promise to stay away from Sam." Quinn blurted.

Puck shook his head. "I can't promise that until I know what happened."

"Then I can't tell you." Quinn said as tears filled her eyes.

Puck put everything down and sat beside Quinn. "I'll stay away from Sam."

Quinn took a deep breath. "I told him I wanted to break up because I realized my feelings for someone else, and he said we weren't breaking up."

Puck nodded slowly.

"He said he would wait it out with me until I got over my feelings, and he said I didn't have a choice because..." Quinn trailed off.

"Because why?" Puck wondered.

"Because he kept quiet about that fight with you." Quinn finished. "And I'm not letting him get you into trouble."

"I don't care if I get in trouble for that." Puck said.

"But I care!" Quinn exclaimed as she stood up. "And Beth cares, and Finn cares, and-"

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Puck promised as he stood up and took Quinn's hands. "And Sam hit me first, remember?"

"No offense, but I don't think Figgins is gonna believe that." Quinn said softly.

Puck nodded slowly. "Then we'll just have to lie."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "And say what?"

"Let Sam go to Figgins." Puck said. "And if I get in trouble, I'll tell them I came here to see you and Beth right after practice."

Quinn bit her lip.

"I know asking you to lie for me is a lot, but for some reason, I feel like I might be the guy you realized your feelings for." Puck said with a small smile.

"I hate you." Quinn grinned.

Puck nodded. "I know."

"Come see your daughter." Quinn said.

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