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"We never got to talk the other day." Puck noted when Quinn got to glee club.

Quinn looked at Puck. "You should pay attention. I'm sure Rachel's making an important announcement."

"Q." Puck said softly. "What'd you wanna talk about?"

"Us." Quinn whispered. "And the apartment."

"And?" Puck wondered.

"I've thought about it." Quinn said. "And I wanna do it."

Puck smiled. "Yeah?"

"I just don't know how we're gonna afford an apartment, so I was thinking maybe we could talk to my mom about you moving in with us." Quinn continued. "And we could turn the basement into an apartment for you, me, and Beth."

"We can afford an apartment." Puck told Quinn. "Trust me."

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"Bad choice of words." Puck muttered. "I just figured it'd be really nice to have our own private space. And come home to each other every night."

"What about Beth?" Quinn asked. "Who's gonna watch her while we're at school?"

"I started looking into daycare programs." Puck informed Quinn. "I figured it'd be good for her to be with other kids, and she can go there while we're at school."

"I'm gonna get a job." Quinn decided. "Maybe in the summer, opposite your work schedule, so we can both be there for her."

"You don't have to do that, Quinn." Puck told the blonde. "When it gets warmer and people open their pools, I'm gonna be working a lot more."

"We'll talk about everything." Quinn decided. "With both of our moms."

"Okay." Puck nodded.

"Quinn! Noah!" Rachel exclaimed. "Are you two even listening?"

"Totally." Puck muttered.

"They weren't listening." Brittany noted.

"They're too busy having eye-sex." Santana added.

"We're talking about our setlist for Regionals." Finn informed Quinn and Puck.

"Finn and I are gonna start us off with a ballad." Rachel explained.

"As usual." Quinn muttered.

"Quinn, you had a solo during Sectionals, remember?" Rachel asked. "Well, a duet. With Sam."

"Maybe me and Quinn should get the duet this time." Puck suggested.

"We can't argue about this now." Rachel shook her head. "We've wasted too much time trying to maintain twelve members."

"Let's go back to song selections." Mr. Schue decided. "Do you guys want original songs or covers?"

"Original songs!"


"Let's put it to a vote." Mr. Schue said. "Raise your hand for covers."

Some of the glee kids raised their hands.

"And who wants original songs?" Mr. Schue wondered.

Quinn raised her hand along with the majority of the New Directions.

"Original songs wins." Mr. Schue noted as he began handing out notepads and pens. "Finn, let Kurt know. And guys, let's get brainstorming."

Quinn bit her lip and looked at Puck, who was already scribbling away.

"Noah." Quinn said softly. "What are you writing about?"

"I'm just drawing so I look busy." Puck told Quinn as he showed her the electric guitar he was drawing.

Quinn smiled slightly. Her smile faded as she went back to her paper and realized she had no clue where to start.

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