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When they got to the hospital, Quinn and Puck hurried inside.

"Can you tell us where Beth Puckerman is?" Puck asked the woman at the front desk.

The woman looked at him.

Puck rolled his eyes as he took out his ID. "I'm her father, and this is her mother."

The woman looked at Puck's ID before typing on her computer. "She's in room 122."

"Thank you." Puck said. He put his ID away and squeezed Quinn's hand as he led her to the room.

"Mom." Quinn called as she let go of Puck's hand and ran to Judy. "Where is she?"

"She's inside." Judy said. "They were giving her an IV so I stepped out to call you."

Tears started to pool in Quinn's eyes.

"She'll be fine." Judy promised. "I told you to stay in school."

"I need to be here." Quinn said. "I should've stayed home today and been there."

Quinn closed her eyes and took a deep breath when she heard Beth's cries.

The sound became louder for a moment before being muffled again.

Quinn opened her eyes and saw one of the nurses in the hall with the doctor.

"Doctor Fernandez, this is Quinn and Noah, Beth's parents." Judy stated.

The doctor nodded and looked at Quinn. "You can come in and see her."

Quinn took Puck's hand. "I want you to come with me."

Puck squeezed Quinn's hand as they followed the doctor into the room.

"B." Quinn sighed as she stood beside the small hospital bassinet.

"She had an allergic reaction to something." Dr. Fernandez explained. "We have her on an IV for fluids, and she'll be able to go home tomorrow as long as her temperature stays down."

"Can we stay overnight with her?" Puck requested.

"One of you can." Dr. Fernandez nodded.

Quinn bit her lip.

"I'll be back in a little bit." Dr. Fernandez promised as she walked out, leaving Quinn and Puck alone.

"I want you to stay with me." Quinn said softly. "I don't wanna be here alone."

"I'll try, Q." Puck replied as he put his arms around her, hugging her from behind.

"I'm skipping school tomorrow." Quinn decided.

"Yeah, me, too." Puck told Quinn as the door opened.

Judy looked at the pair. "I spoke to the doctors. You both can't stay overnight, so I'm gonna stay overnight, and you two are gonna go home and rest and go to school tomorrow." Judy explained.

Quinn shook her head."I wanna stay."

"You have to go to school tomorrow, even if you sleep here." Judy told Quinn.

"I will." Quinn promised.

"You're gonna stay here overnight by yourself, Quinny?" Judy asked.

Quinn looked at Puck and slowly shook her head.

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