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After dessert, everyone sat in the living room. They put on a movie, but Quinn wasn't paying attention to it. She was focused on Beth.

"She's so cute." Sarah stated softly. "I can't believe she's half Noah."

"Thanks, Sarah." Puck muttered.

Quinn smiled as she looked at Puck. "She's a good mix of us."

"Yeah." Puck agreed.

"Stevie, Stacey, we should go." Sam stated as he stood up. "It's getting late, and mom and dad are home now."

"I'll walk you out." Quinn said as she placed Beth in Puck's arms and stood up.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Fabray. Thank you for having us." Sam said.

"Oh, anytime." Judy grinned. "Get home safe."

Sam nodded and led his siblings to the door.

Quinn followed Sam, Stevie, and Stacey.

"Guys, what do you say?" Sam asked.

"Happy Thanksgiving." Stevie said.

"Thank you for letting us come over." Stacey smiled.

Quinn smiled back. "Thank you for coming. It was really nice to see you."

"Thank you for everything." Sam said. "It was really great."

"I'm glad you guys came." Quinn responded. "You made this year much better than last year."

"I'm glad." Sam smiled as he lightly kissed Quinn. "Happy Thanksgiving, Quinn."

"Happy Thanksgiving, Sam." Quinn replied.

Sam pulled Quinn closer and kissed her deeply.

When they parted, Quinn looked at Sam.

"I love you." Sam smiled.

"I-I love you, too." Quinn said softly.

Quinn watched the Evanses leave before she locked the door and returned to the living room.

"Tom and I are gonna go to bed." Judy informed Quinn.

Quinn nodded. "Finn just texted me. He's gonna stop by with Rachel."

"Tell him happy Thanksgiving." Judy requested.

"I will." Quinn said as she sat down next to Puck again.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Fabray." Puck said. "Thank you for having me and Sarah."

Judy nodded. "Goodnight."

Judy and Tom disappeared upstairs, leaving Quinn, Puck, Sarah, and Olivia alone.

"I'm gonna go up, too, I think." Olivia said as she stood up.

Quinn frowned as she took Beth from Puck. "You should stay and hang out with us."

"Really?" Olivia asked.

Puck nodded. "Yeah."

Olivia nodded and sat down slowly.

"Do you wanna hold her?" Quinn offered.

"I've never held a baby before." Olivia said, shaking her head. "Maybe another time."

Quinn nodded slowly and looked at Puck.

Puck held Beth's hand as she stared at him and Quinn.

Quinn's phone went off and she handed it to Puck. "Can you check if that's Finn or Sam?"

"Finn's here. Stay there." Puck commanded as he got up. "I'll get the door."

Junior YearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz