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"Liv, it's me. Can I come in?" Quinn requested as she knocked on Olivia's bedroom door.

"Come in." Olivia said.

Quinn entered the room and sat down on the bed after closing the door behind her. "Do you wanna talk?"

"Why is my dad the worst?" Olivia whined as she picked her head up and looked at Quinn. "I can never do anything right in his eyes."

"Your dad just expects more out of you." Quinn said. "And he knows you're capable of more."

"Maybe I'm not." Olivia cried. "Maybe I'm trying my best after being pulled away from my school and my friends, and my whole life. Maybe this is the first time a guy has actually been interested in me, and my dad is ruining it."

Quinn frowned sympathetically. "I'm sorry. I know what you're going through."

"Yeah, right." Olivia muttered. "I heard that you maintained a 4.0 GPA during a teen pregnancy. And you've had guys fight over you multiple times."

"I'm not talking about grades." Quinn shook her head. "We moved here when I was in middle school. My dad got a promotion and he was transferred here."

Olivia looked at Quinn.

"I've never told anyone this before. Not even Noah." Quinn said as she continued. "But before I came here, I was overweight and I wore glasses and had braces, and I had a lot of acne. I even used to dye my hair red for some reason."

"Then what happened?" Olivia asked.

"I signed up for cheerleading and dance classes the summer I moved here, and then I met Santana and Brittany. I worked my ass off to lose weight before school started." Quinn explained. "Santana and Brittany introduced me to Finn and Noah, and Finn told me I was the prettiest girl he ever saw."

"I really like Artie." Olivia told Quinn. "He's sweet and funny, and I had a really good time on our date. I don't want my dad to ruin that."

Quinn nodded. "Your dad can't tell you who you can and can't date."

Olivia bit her lip. "I shouldn't be complaining about my dad to you. Yours disowned you."

"And that's his loss." Quinn clarified. "Because now, he doesn't have me and he doesn't get to have Beth."

Olivia nodded slowly.

"If you wanna date Artie, you should." Quinn advised Olivia. "But get him to help you with math, too."

Olivia laughed lightly. "I will. Thanks, Quinn."

Quinn smiled as the dirty blonde hugged her.

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