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"Quinn, can your mother and I talk to you?" Tom requested when Quinn, Olivia, and Puck entered the Fabray house.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow and looked at Puck.

"I'll wait for you upstairs." Puck said softly as he let go of Quinn's hand and followed Olivia upstairs.

Quinn looked at her mom.

"Can you sit, please?" Judy requested.

Quinn exhaled as she sat down.

"I didn't do the same thing as last year." Judy started. "I said Noah can stay over some nights until you make a decision and figure out what you'd like to do."

"Okay." Quinn said as she stood up. "But that's not what you said this morning, so..."

"We don't want anything happening to you." Tom said. "You're a junior and this is a really important school year for you."

"The year is half over." Quinn pointed out. "And I'm not gonna get pregnant again."

Tom looked at Quinn.

"I know that's what you're talking about." Quinn continued. "And I know you judge me for it."

"I... I don't... it's not-"

"Getting pregnant was a mistake, but Beth wasn't. We love her, and she was meant to be ours." Quinn explained. "But we aren't gonna let it happen again. When Noah and I choose to have sex again, we're gonna be safe about it."

Tom looked at Judy uncomfortably.

"I want you to come to me." Judy told Quinn. "I want you to feel comfortable enough to talk about that kind of thing with me."

"I do." Quinn promised. "I didn't last year because I was scared. Things are different now."

"Things are different now." Judy repeated with a nod.

"Can I go now?" Quinn requested. "Noah's waiting for me."

"Go ahead." Judy nodded.

Quinn smiled at her mom as she got up and went upstairs to her room.

Puck was laying on Quinn's bed with Beth on his chest. "I hope you don't mind that I got her."

"Of course I don't mind." Quinn said as she laid down next to Puck. "Beth, tell Dada the new word you learned."

"Fuck." Beth giggled.

"No." Quinn shook her head. "What did Mama teach you to say to Dada?"

Beth looked at Quinn and then she looked back at Puck. She picked her hands up and slapped them down on Puck's chest with excitement. "Dada!"

"That's my girl!" Puck grinned as he kissed Beth's cheek. "You taught her that, Q?"

Quinn nodded. "I wanted her to surprise you."

Puck smiled. "Say it again, Beth. Say Dada."

"Dada! Dada! Dada!" Beth exclaimed happily.

"Good girl." Puck praised Beth as he looked at Quinn. "Thank you, baby."

"You don't have to thank me." Quinn replied.

"You know what Beth's first three words were?" Puck asked with a smirk. "Mama, fuck, Dada."

Quinn smiled as she rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

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