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Quinn headed to her locker after school before glee club. She opened it and started exchanging her books when her phone started ringing.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she accepted her mom's call and put the phone to her ear. "Hi, Mom. Everything okay?"

"Hi, Quinny. Beth is fine." Judy promised. "But I need to drop her off to you because I have to go to a meeting."

"A meeting?" Quinn asked.

"With some lawyers and your father." Judy clarified. "I called Ruth already, but she's working."

"I guess Beth's coming to glee club." Quinn sighed. "Because Noah and I can't skip."

"Is that okay with Mr. Schuester? If not, I'll see if Carole is around." Judy told Quinn.

"It'll be fine. I'll meet you in the parking lot." Quinn said.

"See you in a little bit." Judy replied as she hung up.

Quinn sighed and put her phone in her bag as Puck walked over to her.

"Ready for glee club?" Puck asked.

Quinn looked at him. "I'm gonna be late."

"Why?" Puck wondered.

"My mom has a meeting, and no one else is around, so Beth's coming here." Quinn explained.

Puck nodded. "I'll tell Mr. Schue."

"Text me if he has a problem with her coming." Quinn requested.

"You got it." Puck said as he walked away.

Quinn went outside to the parking lot and found Judy. The two blondes unloaded Beth's stroller. Quinn unbuckled Beth and put her in the stroller before grabbing the diaper bag.

"Sorry, honey." Judy apologized. "If I get back early enough, I'll come get her."

Quinn shook her head. "It's okay. Thanks, Mom."

Judy nodded. "I'll see you later."

"Good luck." Quinn waved as Judy drove off.

When Quinn turned around, she saw Puck standing there.

"Did Mr. Schue say no?" Quinn wondered.

Puck shook his head. "Mr. Schue said that's fine. Kurt's back in glee club, and Karofsky is there."

Quinn raised her eyebrow. "I can't believe he actually joined."

"I know." Puck said.

"We should go to glee club." Quinn noted. "I'm already late."

Puck shrugged as he started pushing Beth's stroller. "I told them you were coming."

Quinn looked at Beth. "Everyone's gonna be so distracted by her."

"They'll get over it." Puck promised as he and Quinn continued walking. "What kind of meeting did your mom go to?"

"She was meeting with my dad and the lawyers." Quinn answered.

Puck nodded. "Well, I'm glad she was smart enough to not bring Beth."

"Yeah." Quinn agreed. "She knows I don't want my dad seeing Beth. Ever."

Puck nodded as he led the way into the building.

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