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On Monday after school, Quinn took Beth to Finn's house. Despite everything that happened between Finn and Quinn the previous year, Carole loved seeing Beth, and considered her and Quinn family.

Finn answered the door and smiled at Quinn and Beth. "Hey, Quinn. Come inside."

"Thanks." Quinn smiled back as she stepped inside.

"My mom and Kurt are watching some chick flick in the living room." Finn told Quinn as he shut the door. "We can go inside."

Quinn nodded and followed Finn into the living room.

Finn stood in front of the TV.

"Finn! Move!"

Finn rolled his eyes and turned the lights on.

"We're watching a movie!"

"Quinn and Beth are here." Finn responded.

Slowly, Kurt and Carole turned their heads and looked at Quinn, who was standing in the doorway.

"Hi." Quinn said softly. "If this is a bad time-"

"No, come sit, sweetie." Carole grinned as she moved over to give Quinn room.

Quinn sat down between Carole and Kurt. "It's so nice to see you. Both of you. Kurt, we miss you so much at school."

Kurt nodded and looked at Beth. "Beth's getting big."

"Yeah." Quinn said as she put Beth in Carole's arms.

"You look so good." Kurt added as he looked at Quinn. "You lost all the baby weight fast."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled. "But my abs aren't back yet. And my stomach has a lot of stretch marks. Beth's worth it though."

"Does she sleep a lot?" Carole wondered.

"She sleeps through the night most nights, which is amazing. The first time she slept all night, I was kind of worried." Quinn said. "I think I just sat there watching her all night."

Carole laughed lightly. "Yeah, I was the same way with Finn. He didn't sleep through the night for a long time though."

Quinn nodded. "Beth is so good. I'm really lucky. And now Noah's back, which has been really great."

"He's seen her?" Kurt asked.

"He's been over a few times." Quinn said as she looked at Finn.

"Yeah, he's doing much better now." Finn added. "He's, like, a new man."

"Fabray women have that effect on people." Kurt smirked.

Quinn grinned. "Maybe, but Beth is a Puckerman."

Kurt shrugged. "When Puck was here the other day, all he kept talking about was how happy he was and how proud he was of you, and he-"

"Kurt." Finn cut him off.

Kurt nodded slowly and Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"How are things with your new boyfriend? Sam?" Kurt questioned Quinn as he took her left hand. "I noticed this when you came in."

"It's a promise ring." Quinn clarified. "Thankfully."

"Thankfully?" Kurt asked.

"I'm too young to be engaged to anyone." Quinn said. "Just because I have a baby doesn't mean I wanna grow up as fast as possible."

"Enjoy being young." Carole advised Quinn as she looked up from Beth. "And enjoy every minute with Beth because they really do grow so fast."

"Yeah, before you know it, she'll be over six feet tall." Kurt teased as he looked at Finn.

Finn shook his head. "Beth won't be that tall because Quinn isn't that tall."

"Puck's tall." Kurt reminded Finn.

Finn shrugged. "Yeah."

"I don't care how tall she is, as long as she's healthy and happy." Quinn added.

"That's the most important thing." Carole agreed.

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