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When the three blondes returned to the living room, they took their seats again.

"Noah and Sarah are gonna be a little late." Quinn told Sam. "Puck's working until 2."

"Well, it's 1:30 now, so I'm sure they'll be here in time for dinner." Sam responded as he squeezed Quinn's hand.

Quinn looked at Beth, who was perfectly content laying on Sam's lap. "You're so good with her."

"Yeah?" Sam asked.

Quinn nodded.

Sam smiled with relief. "I feel like I'm gonna drop her or something, but I'm glad I'm doing it right."

"Didn't you hold Stevie or Stacey when they were babies?" Quinn wondered.

"No." Sam shook his head. "My mom thought I would drop them."

Quinn laughed lightly and Sam furrowed his eyebrow, wondering what was so funny.

"I'm really glad we're spending Thanksgiving together." Quinn told Sam.

"I love you." Sam smiled as he kissed Quinn.

Quinn smiled when they parted. "I love you, too."

Sam looked at his siblings as Judy and Tom entered the house.

"We're back!" Judy announced. "Who's hungry?"

"Me!" Stevie and Stacey exclaimed as they jumped up.

"Guys, easy." Sam commanded.

"Why don't we start with appetizers?" Judy suggested. "Everyone come inside."

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