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"It really meant a lot to me that you spent the day with us." Quinn told Puck when they were alone in her room after they put Beth in the nursery after dessert. "I appreciate how much you've been doing for me and Beth these past few months."

Puck smiled slightly as he sat down on Quinn's bed. "I know you said I don't owe you anything, but I wanna be in this with you."

Quinn smiled back. "I want that, too."

"So, uh, what'd you wanna talk about?" Puck wondered.

"Right." Quinn said. "I've been thinking a lot lately, and I want Beth to be exposed to your traditions and beliefs, too."

Puck raised his eyebrow.

"Your faith is just as important to you as mine is to me." Quinn stated. "And I think it's important to teach Beth about it, too."

"Wow, Quinn, that's really cool of you to even think of." Puck said.

Quinn nodded. "Well, she's both of ours."

Puck nodded back. "Thank you."

Quinn smiled slightly. "You don't have to thank me."

"You've been really cool and amazing with this co-parenting thing." Puck noted. "Even when I didn't deserve it."

"We cleared things up." Quinn pointed out. "And you'll always be Beth's dad."

Puck nodded slowly as he stared at Quinn.

"What?" Quinn asked.

"N-Nothing." Puck stuttered.

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

Puck cupped Quinn's cheek as he slowly leaned in and kissed her.

Quinn wrapped her arms around Puck's neck and deepened the kiss.

They parted abruptly, and Quinn looked at Puck.

"I... I should go." Puck muttered as he quickly stood up. "I'm sorry."

"Noah, wait." Quinn said.

"I'm sorry." Puck repeated as he walked out.

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