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"Hey, Quinn."

"Oh, hey, Sam." Quinn said softly.

"Can you come to the game tonight?" Sam requested.

"I can't." Quinn shook her head. "I have to watch Beth."

"Can't you get your mom to watch her for the night?" Sam asked. "All the guys are having our girlfriends wear our jerseys and sit on the bleachers together."

Quinn bit her lip. "I'll do my best, okay? Maybe I can come after half time for a little bit or something."

Sam smiled. "Okay."

"No promises." Quinn stated.

"I know." Sam nodded. "Ready for glee club?"

Quinn nodded back and took Sam's hand.

The two blondes walked into the choir room and took their seats in the back.

"Everyone's here now." Mr. Schue noted. "We'll keep it short today because of the football game tonight, but I wanted to let all of you know that next week, Noah Puckerman will be back at McKinley."

Quinn's heart skipped a beat.

"I already talked to him, and he's not coming back to glee club." Mr. Schue stated.

"What? Why not?" Rachel asked.

"We need him." Finn added. "For his voice and his bad boy stage presence."

"He has to focus on his grades, so he can still play football." Mr. Schue said.

"And he has to do community service." Artie informed everyone.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Well, we don't need him. We have Sam."

"But we still need another member." Mercedes told Quinn. "To replace Kurt."

"Finn, any luck getting Kurt back?" Mike wondered.

Finn shook his head. "As much as he misses all of you, I don't think he's gonna come back to McKinley."

"Kurt's the one who left. I don't understand why we have to clean up his mess." Santana muttered.

Finn raised his eyebrow and looked at the Latina. "Kurt was getting bullied. Karofsky said he was gonna kill him."

"You've never said you were gonna kill someone before?" Santana asked as she folded her arms.

Finn looked at Mr. Schue.

"I'm just saying, we've all been bullied and we've all become stronger because of it. Kurt ran and let them win." Santana pointed out.

"Santana has a point." Brittany shrugged. "I mean, Quinn hit rock bottom last year and she's still here. And Rachel's always been on the bottom and she's still here."

"Enough." Mr. Schue said. "It's not Kurt's fault or Quinn's fault or Rachel's fault that we need to get new members. It's not even Puck's fault."

Quinn snorted.

Mr. Schue glanced at Quinn and continued. "Regionals is coming up. Let's just get whoever we can get to replace Kurt. You guys are dismissed."

"Mr. Schue, a word." Rachel said as she hurried over to the teacher.

"You know what, Santana? It's easy for you to say that stuff about Kurt." Finn stated. "Because you're one of the bullies at this school. And in this club."

"Sam, let's go." Quinn whispered as she stood up and took Sam's hand.

"Yeah, I don't wanna be here for that." Sam said as he followed Quinn out.

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