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After dinner, Quinn put Beth upstairs before returning to the couch. When the doorbell rang, Quinn got up to answer it.

Quinn walked to the front door. She took a deep breath as she opened it.

"Hey." Puck smiled.

"Hi." Quinn smiled back.

"You look pretty." Puck responded.

Quinn glanced down at her leggings and pink sweatshirt. "Thank you. Come in."

Puck stepped inside and Quinn closed the door behind him.

"Did you eat?" Quinn asked. "I can microwave something for you."

"I'm fine." Puck said. "Thanks."

Quinn nodded.

"Sorry I'm late." Puck apologized. "I was working with Finn at Burt's shop and we lost track of time."

Quinn looked at him. "That's okay. Everyone's in here."

"Everyone?" Puck raised his eyebrow.

"My mom, her boyfriend, and his daughter." Quinn listed. "And Sam."

"Does he live here now?" Puck wondered, only half-joking.

Quinn shook her head and led Puck into the living room.

"Noah's here." Quinn announced as she stood beside him.

"Puck." Puck corrected Quinn.

"I forgot I'm the only one who gets to call you that." Quinn grinned. "Besides your mom and your sister."

"And Berry." Puck added as he glanced at Sam. "Evans."

"Puckerman." Sam muttered as he stood up.

"You remember my mom, right?" Quinn asked as she grabbed Puck's arm.

Puck nodded. "It's nice to see you again, Mrs. Fabray."

Judy nodded.

"Noah, this is Tom and his daughter, Olivia." Quinn introduced Puck. "She's gonna be coming to McKinley on Monday."

"Nice to meet you." Tom said.

"You, too." Puck nodded back as he shook Tom's hand and looked at Olivia. "You're gonna be at McKinley?"

"I'm a sophomore." Olivia nodded.

Puck smirked as he looked at Quinn.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Why don't you take a seat? I'll get you a drink. What do you want?"

"Beer is fine." Puck answered as he sat down on the couch.

Puck was met with disapproving looks from Judy and Tom.

"I'm kidding." Puck said. "I'm fine."

Quinn sat down in between Sam and Puck.

Sam put his hand on Quinn's knee, and Quinn placed her hands over Sam's.

"Did you drive here?" Quinn asked Puck.

"My bike's in the driveway." Puck responded.

"Your bike?" Tom raised his eyebrow.

"My motorcycle." Puck clarified.

"You have a motorcycle?" Olivia asked.

Puck nodded. "I just got another helmet, if you wanna go for a ride."

Olivia grinned and looked at Tom.

"Absolutely not." Tom shook his head.

Olivia frowned.

"So, Noah, what have you been up to?" Judy wondered.

"Since I've been back, I've been working on my grades and killing it in football." Puck answered. "But I still have to do community service."

"Puckerman was in juvie." Sam added.

Puck and Quinn glared at Sam.

"I did a lot of stupid things last year." Puck said as he looked down. "But I learned a lot of lessons."

"Why were you in juvie?" Tom wondered.

Puck smiled slightly. "I, uh, I drove my mom's Volvo into a convenience store and stole the ATM, which at the time, didn't seem so stupid."

Tom furrowed his eyebrow.

"Please stop talking." Quinn requested softly as she patted Puck's leg.

Puck looked at her.

"Are you in glee club, too?" Olivia questioned Puck.

Puck nodded. "I rejoined today, actually."

"You did?" Quinn asked.

"I did." Puck said. "You would've known that if you two bothered to show up today."

Sam shrugged. "We lost track of time."

Quinn nudged Sam and glanced at her mom.

Before the boys could go on, the sound of Beth's soft cries were heard on the baby monitor.

"I'll be down in a few minutes." Quinn said as she excused herself to go upstairs.

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