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"Judy told us you're the smartest person at McKinley." Tom said as he chewed his pizza and looked at Quinn.

Quinn shook her head. "I'm smart, but I wouldn't say I'm the smartest at McKinley."

"Quinny might be Valedictorian next year." Judy said proudly.

"Maybe." Quinn shrugged. "But being smart in school doesn't mean I'm the smartest person. I've done some stupid things."

Sam squeezed Quinn's hand.

"And besides, I know a lot of people who have horrible grades, but are incredibly smart in other ways." Quinn added.

"Like me." Sam said.

Quinn nodded. "And Finn, and Noah."

"Who's Noah?" Tom asked.

"My ex." Quinn replied as she looked at Judy.

When Quinn was done eating, she excused herself to check on Beth. Quinn fed Beth and changed her before returning downstairs.

"You're leaving?" Quinn asked as Tom and Olivia put their jackets and shoes on.

"Liv has school in the morning." Tom reminded Quinn.

Quinn nodded. "It was nice meeting you."

"See you soon." Sam added as he looked at Olivia. "You're gonna love McKinley. We'll make sure of it."

Judy walked Tom and Olivia out.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought." Quinn sighed with relief. "Wanna go to bed?"

"I'm gonna head home." Sam decided. "I have to finish some homework."

Quinn frowned. "You sure?"

Sam nodded. "I'm falling behind and if my grades drop, I'm off the football team."

"Alright." Quinn sighed. "I'll see you in school."

"See you in school." Sam echoed as he kissed Quinn and left.

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