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When Beth calmed down, Quinn sat down on her bed with her. She had Beth sit up with her legs out in front of her. Quinn sat the same way behind her to keep her upright.

Quinn put toys in front of Beth, and texted Sam and Puck to come upstairs.

A few moments later, there was a knock on Quinn's door.

"Come in!" Quinn called as she pushed Beth's hair out of her face.

The door slowly opened and Sam led Puck into Quinn's room.

"Hey." Quinn smiled as she looked at Puck.

Puck froze when he saw the giggly blonde girl playing with her blocks.

"Come see her." Quinn commanded.

Puck nodded and slowly walked over to the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed, facing Quinn and Beth.

"She's gorgeous, Q. She looks just like you." Puck noted.

"She's all Puckerman." Quinn responded.

"Not with those little blonde curls." Puck stated.

Quinn shrugged as she looked down at Beth. "Her eyes and her smile are yours."

Puck smiled. "To think a few months ago, she wasn't even here yet."

"We were terrified." Quinn nodded.

"Yeah." Puck said. "I really can't believe how big she is."

"Yeah." Quinn agreed.

"Does she sleep through the night?" Puck wondered.

"Most nights, luckily." Quinn answered.

"Yeah, we both know that you are not a morning person." Puck laughed lightly.

Quinn laughed and glanced at Sam, who was hanging back, obviously feeling left out.

"Sam, you can come sit, too." Quinn told him. "There's plenty of room for you."

Sam shook his head. "I think I'm gonna head home. I have to watch my brother and sister anyway."

Quinn nodded slowly, though she was a little disappointed.

Sam walked over and kissed Quinn. "I'll text you. I love you."

"Love you, too."

Quinn watched Sam leave, closing the bedroom door behind him.

Puck looked at Quinn. "Does she eat anything? Besides formula?"

Quinn shook her head. "Not really, but she tried puréed banana and puréed peas."

Puck nodded. "Does she talk yet?"

Quinn shook her head again. "She makes sounds, but she doesn't say words yet."

"I feel like I missed out on so much." Puck frowned.

Quinn bit her lip. "You're here now. And you'll be there for her first words and the first time she crawls, and her first steps."

Puck nodded slowly.

"I used to think getting pregnant and having a baby meant my life was over, but honestly-"

"Nothing else matters anymore." Puck finished.

Quinn nodded as she took Puck's hand. "You're here now."

"Yeah." Puck sighed.

"Hey, you wanna hear her laugh?" Quinn asked Puck.

Puck looked at Quinn. "What?"

"Look." Quinn laid Beth down on her pillow and lifted her shirt up. She put her mouth on Beth's belly and blew raspberries on her.

Beth giggled happily.

Puck grinned as Quinn pulled away. "She even laughs like you, Quinn."

"And she's ticklish like me." Quinn added as she smiled at Puck.

Puck raised his eyebrow.

"Tickle her feet." Quinn told Puck.

Puck gently tickled Beth's feet and watched the small blonde squirm and giggle happily. She kept laughing until she eventually started crying.

Puck pulled his hands back nervously and looked at Quinn. "Sorry."

"She's okay." Quinn promised as she picked Beth up. Quinn put Beth over her shoulder and rubbed her back. "Shh, B. You're okay. Mommy's got you. Look, Daddy's here."

Puck took Beth's hand and held it. "Beth."

"She does this sometimes." Quinn told Puck as she stood up and kept bouncing Beth lightly. "She'll be so happy and then just freak out. And then she takes forever to calm down."

Puck started singing softly. When she saw Quinn looking at him, he stopped.

Quinn shook her head. "Keep going. She's listening."

Puck nodded and took a deep breath.

Beth, I hear you callin'
But I can't come home right now
Me and the boys are playin'
And we just can't find the sound

Just a few more hours
And I'll be right home to you
I think I hear them callin'
Oh, Beth, what can I do?
Beth, what can I do?

You say you feel so empty
That our house just ain't a home
I'm always somewhere else
And you're always there alone

Just a few more hours
And I'll be right home to you
I think I hear them callin'
Oh, Beth, what can I do?
Beth, what can I do?

Beth, I know you're lonely
And I hope you'll be alright
'Cause me and the boys will be playin'
All night
All night

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