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"Hey." Quinn said as she walked over to Puck's locker after school on Tuesday. "Are you okay? I feel like I haven't seen much of you since breakfast on Sunday."

Puck nodded. "I had to meet my probation officer lady yesterday, so I left school early."

"Oh. Why'd you have to meet with her?" Quinn wondered.

"To sign off on my community service hours." Puck answered. "I'm done with all one hundred of 'em."

"Good." Quinn replied. "Because Regionals is this weekend."

"Honestly, I'm not that excited for it." Puck told Quinn.

"Why not?" Quinn asked.

"I don't think we're ready." Puck admitted. "Me and Finn don't even know the dance moves, and everything is kind of a mess."

"Well, your birthday is, like, right after that." Quinn reminded Puck as she took his hand. "What do you want me to get you?"

"Nothing." Puck said.

"Obviously I'm gonna get you something. You're my boyfriend." Quinn stated. "And we both know how bad I am at gift-giving, so you should give me options."

"Seriously, Q, don't get me anything." Puck said. "I don't need anything."

Quinn sighed. "If you think of something, will you tell me?"

"I'm not gonna think of something, but if I do, I'll tell you." Puck promised.

"You can't get me anything for my birthday then." Quinn added.

"Don't worry about your birthday yet." Puck said.

"I mean it." Quinn replied. "If you get me something for my birthday, I'm gonna be very mad at you."

"I'm not scared of you, baby." Puck smirked as he kissed Quinn's cheek. "Come on, let's go to glee. We're already late."


"There they are." Mercedes noted as Quinn and Puck walked in.

"Puck, you're actually here today." Brittany added.

"Guys, Puck already talked to me about why he wasn't in school yesterday." Mr. Schue said.

Puck nodded. "Yeah. I'm done with my community service, which means I'm a free man."

"Just stay out of trouble." Finn advised Puck.

"I'll do my best, but..." Puck shrugged as he and Quinn sat down.

"Let's get started." Rachel decided. "We only have a few days before Regionals."

"I think we should scrap the whole original song idea and pick three songs, make some choreography, and go." Kurt said.

"Did the boys at Dalton tell you we should do that?" Santana wondered.

Kurt shook his head. "I haven't talked to them much since I transferred back here, and I definitely haven't talked about our plans for Regionals."

"Well, if someone leaked our setlist like last year's Sectionals, we know who to blame." Quinn added with a teasing smile.

"Guys, back off of Kurt." Finn commanded as he stood up and joined Rachel in the front of the room.

"We don't have time to start from scratch." Rachel informed everyone. "So we need to make sure what we have is perfect."

"And that means the choreography has to be perfect." Mike added. "So Brittany and I are gonna work on the dance moves with Finn and Puck in the auditorium."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and looked at Finn, who looked just as confused.

"If we're not here, how are we gonna make sure we're timed right with everyone else?" Finn wondered.

"Yeah, and Quinn and Berry won't have partners." Puck said.

"They could pair up." Brittany shrugged.

Puck raised his eyebrow suggestively and frowned. "I definitely don't wanna miss that."

Quinn elbowed him. "Just go with them. I'll see you after?"

"Alright." Puck gave in as he got up and followed Mike and Finn out of the choir room.

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