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--Nicole's pov--

"Hunter Horan! Get down here right now!" I scream up the stairs as I straighten my black dress.

A 15 year old boy peaks his head around the corner by the stairs. "Did you steal your sister's candy?" I ask sternly.

He groans and comes into full view, only wearing his underwear. "Come on, mom. It was just a couple pieces of chocolate. Who cares?"

"Say you're sorry." He yells a sorry down the stairs and I nod an approval, "Now hurry up and get dressed. We're leaving for your uncle's in 20 minutes." He runs off and I hear Melody scream from the kitchen.

I run to the kitchen to find her shoving around in the pantry, "Who ate the last Poptart?" She screams again. I start to help her look, but she's right. They're gone.

"Oh, sorry Mel. That was me." Niall cringes when he walks in the kitchen, struggling with his tie. I roll my eyes and walk over to help him. "Thanks, love." he kisses my forehead. He offers Melody a hug but she ignores him.

"I'm tired of everyone stealing my stuff!" she scolds. Niall still stands with his arms extended to her, but since she doesnt take it, he tickles her instead. "Stop! Stop!" she cries, so he walks away.

I roll my eyes, "Nothing's changed."

20 years ago, after One Direction made their 4th album, the split. But with 'split', I mean only the band. We're all still as close as before, even though the public doesn't really know that. (they think that the boys hate each other and Larry moved to Antarctica. But clearly, that's not the case)

A month after the split, Niall and I were out to dinner celebrating his new job: a guitar lessons teacher. When our wine came before our meals, there was a ring at the bottom. I cried, he cried, our waitress cried, the whole bit. A year later, we were married and moved to England. But my mom couldn't make it. She died of another case of breast cancer a month before. The boys sang 'Moments' at her funeral.

Faith was my Maid of Honor, along with Perrie, Steph, Sophia, and El as my bride's maids. Louis was Niall's best man. Our wedding was actually the day I introduced Louis and El. They hit it off right away. They're happily married with 2 kids now, thanks to me.

A year after our honeymoon, I became pregnant with twins: a boy and a girl. They were born on May 3rd at 12:01 AM. Melody (dark blond hair, blue eyes) and Hunter (dark brown hair, blue eyes), both weighing 9 pounds and 11 ounces.I think Niall and I would both say that was the best day of our lives.

Neither of them are treated unfairly, though I do have a soft spot for Hunter, and Niall having one for Melody. But they don't know that.

Hunter rushes down the stairs with his hair sticking up on end, tie needing to be adjusted. "Is it time to go?" I fix his tie and his hair for him, without getting a thankyou. Sometimes being a mom sucks.

"Isn't someone excited to see Taylor?" Melody teases while leaning up against the counter.

Hunter's faces goes red, "Shut up, I just want cake." You I roll my eyes. He is his father's son.

"C'mon, we have to go, guys," Niall grabs the keys and we make the 10 minute drive to the Payne's.


Melody rings the doorbell and we wait outside. Hunter struggles with the giant gift. Niall offered to hold it, but Hunter claimed he could do it. I laughed.

It's Liam and Sophia's daughter's 14th birthday today. Since she's an only child, I always like to get her big gifts because she really never has anyone to play with. And I'm her Godmother, so I'm supposed to do that. But soon she'll have a baby sister, so I need to spoil her while I can.

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