Chapter 2: The Project

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---Nicole's point of veiw---

"Blah blah blah angles. Blah blah blah triangles. blah blah blah..." My math teacher, Mr. Fisher, goes on and on and on about whatever he's talking about. I'm usually that one nerd-girl in class thats like, "OH MY GOSH I LOVE LEARNING!! DONT YOU?! LEARNING, LEARNING, THATS MY THING! IF I CANT DO IT, NO ONE CAN!" (which i totally hate about myself. when your parents are total freak smarties, you kind of are expected of it. and yes, i am a straight A student. I'm just lucky that no one knows how much of a total nerd i am...well Niall does. but thats just because he stole me report card. WHICH HE SHOULDNT BE TALKING OR LAUGHING OR ANYTHING. he's straight A's too... yay nerdy buddies..)

But today, im just not feelin' the love of learning. I'm just totally zoning out. Thinking about Harry's cat, icecream, unicorns... I look around the room at my class mates. Anna, cheerleading captain, doodleing in her journal; Zach, captain of the chess team, actually paying attention; Megan, star of drama club, filing her nails. and then my eyes land on Louis.

this is actually like, the only class we have together, besides music i think. My goodness, is he perfect. Sparkling blue eyes, perfect facial features and hair, wicked sense of style. He's pretty much perfect. I'd absolutly die if he asked my out. The problem is... im a misfit and he's Mr. Popular.

Don't get me wrong, i absolutly love being a misfit, it's just, sometimes i wish he'd actually notice me. We'd be adorable together. But every girl loves him, and he could probably care less of my existence. If only he would just-

"Nicole?" i snap out of my daze as i notice Mr. Fisher standing right above me. "um yes sir?" ugh great, everyone's staring.

"would you please take interest in what im saying instead of your intrest in Mr. Tomlinson?"

oh my gawd he did not just say that. Everyone bursts into fits of giggles. I feel my face get hot. Dont look at Louis. Dont look at Louis. Dont look at Louis. I look up to see Louis staring at me intently and smiles. There's probably something on my face isn't there?

Just then, something i never thought would ever happen to me, actually happens: he winks at me. he actually WINKED at me. A million things start going through my head: what does that mean? does he like me? oh dont be stupid of course not. but maybe...

i notice someone's presence still over me and look up to see Mr. Fisher still standing there. wait, what did he say last? "ummmm... yes sir...?" I guess.

"Good" he goes while walking back up to the front of the class.

"alright, like i was saying-" then the bell rings cutting him off. I love that sweet annoying little bell! I jump up and grab my bag from the floor. as i stand up straight i realize that my next class is music. great, another class with Louis. Might get embarrassed even more. Can't get any worse tho right?

As I reach the door getting ready to walk into the crazy hallway with all passing wildness, I hear, "Hey Nicole! Wait up!" i turn around to see a smiling Louis. "Mind if i walk with you to music? We have that together right?" This can not be happening.


I turn around to make sure he's actually talking to me and not some other way prettier Nicole. There's other Nicole's in the world right? I look back at his smiling face, "um, me?" i point to myself. he rolls his eyes and laughs, "Well duh. Who else would i be talking to?"

I just stand there staring at him. I probably have the biggest eyes right now. Oh shoot, it's my turn to talk. "Um... yeah sure." I force a smile even though im screaming at the tops of my lungs inside my head.

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