Chapter 14: Singathon

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--Nicole's pov--

I quickly turn the combination into my locker's lock and swing open the door. I quickly examine my myself in the mirror before I grab my music notebook. As I pull out my book, I drop it slightly and it swings and hurts my 'damaged' arm. "Dammit," I whisper. This day just isn't going good for me.

I rub my arm where the pain was and then grab my pencil case. I look back into the small mirror and straighten out my hair. Gotta look perfect. Louis and I might be singing today.

I slam my locker door and start to walk to the music room, but slam straight into Harry. But it's not like he was moving or anything, he was just standing there. Watching me.

"Um hey Hazza. What's up?" I go, I mean, what else do I say?

"Oh nothin...where you goin?" He asks while raising an eyebrow.


"Cool. Can I walk you over there?"

"Uh sure?" What's this about? I thought he'd be with Laura...

"So. I heard your going to homecoming with Louis." He says naturally.

I feel myself smile. Can never get used to hearing that. "Yeah. Why?"

"Well I don't want you to get hurt. He's not really a 'good guy'."

"Wait. What do you mean?"

"Well you know he's got a potential to have slept with pretty much every girl at this school."

I stop. "That's so not true." Where did THIS all come from? Then one thing comes to mind. "Did Niall send you?"

Harry's eyes get big. "What? No! Why would he send me?"

"Uh huh. Sure. Listen, Im not a little girl. I can do stuff on my own. So tell your little 'messanger-that's-not-Niall' that's I'm fine ok? You guys need to get off my back about this." When I finished, I realized I was practically yelling at him during the last part.

Harry eyes are wide. "Oh um ok. Sorry."

I sigh. "It's fine. Just please back off ok?" We're outside of the music room now.

"Yeah. No problem. Sorry."

I give him a light hug. "It's fine. See you later ok?"

He nods and smiles. "Later." And with that, he strolls off to his next class as well.

I walk into the music room and sit down at my desk. I blow a hand through my hair and sigh. First Niall, then him. What's next? Liam?

"Hey beautiful." Louis says coming up from behind.

I smile. "Hey Lou. You ready for this?"

He smiles back. "You know it. Lets knock their socks off."

"Good morning class! Are you ready to preform your wonderful music?" Mr. Clark booms from the front of the classroom.

We all let out a small, "yes..."

"Good!" He booms again. "Well. Any volunteers to go first?" No one raises their hands. Figures.

I look at Lou, he smiles back at me. "You wanna go first?" I mouth. He smiles wider and nods. We both raise our hands at the same time.

"Nicole and Louis! Thankyou for volunteering! Come on up to the front and we can all hear your music piece."

As I stand up to go to the front, butterflies in my stomach start to go crazy. I wasn't nervous before, so why am I nervous now?

Mr. Clark sets two stools at the front if the room, and I grab the guitar from it's case. Hey, I could of brought mine, but I was way too lazy.

I walk over to one of the stools and sit. Louis takes his seat next to me. "Whenever you're ready." Mr. Clark says, taking one of the empty desks.

I nod and look over a Louis, who's smiling at me. "Ready?" I mouth. He nods. I take a deep breath and begin to strum the beginning of the song.

 I'm scared to death. But I start to sing anyways.
"All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before.
And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago
Is blue eyes and freckles in your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel right..."

Louis watches me, and the smile never leaves his face. He joins in singing when the chorus starts.
"I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed..."

I smile as Louis starts to sing his solo. Damn is he hawt.

"And all my walls stood tall painted blue
And I'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you
And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies
The beautiful kind, making up for lost time,
Taking flight, making me feel right..."

We sing the chorus again, and everything is just perfect. Nothing flawed. Everything went perfectly. I'm not even nervous anymore. Seeing the most popular guy in school actually ENJOY doing something with me is crazy. I never want to let this go.

"...Cause everything had changed." We sing together as I strum the last string. I look up at the class and everyone goes crazy. Clapping, whistling, etc. I feel myself blush as Louis takes hold of my hand. When everyone settles down, I look at Mr. Clark who's smiling too.

He clears his throat. "Great job you two! Good starter for the day! Now why did you choose this song?"

Louis looks at me, his eyes sparkling. "Well, I just think that once me and Nikki actually got to meet each other, everything was different. Everything changed. For the better." I blush again. I hear small "awww's" from some of the girls in the crowd.

Mr. Clark smiles again. "Good reasoning too! Thankyou for that. You may take your seats now. So who's next?"

I place the guitar back on the stand and walk back to my seat. I look up at Lou, who's starring at me. I smile and he winks back at me. He grabs my hand again, and I sigh to myself. Could he be anymore perfect?

At the end of class, as I walk to my next one, I feel like I'm floating. I really REALLY like him. And how the hell he could ever like ME that way too, is insane. How could I have ever gotten so lucky?

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