Chapter 33: Surgery

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--Nicole's pov--


June 27th; 6:23 am

Faith looks at me unsure when the nurse calls her name. I stand up with her and hold her hand as we walk through the big white doors to her preparation room. She sits down on the cot while I take the "parent's seat" next to it. I told Niall and my mom to wait in the waiting room because only one person was able to go with her, and Faith chose me so... I just told them that it was easier to wait for them to just wait.

The nurse smiles sweetly as she closes the white curtain thingy. "Now sweetie, I'm going to have to prepare you for the doctor ok? I'm going to insert your IV and take your blood pressure, and all that." Faith just smiles weakly and nods. I yawn quietly and look at the wall clock on the other side of the room. god why does surgery always have to be so early in the morning?

After the nurse finishes taking her blood pressure, she steps out of the room and tells Faith to get undressed. I guess she's not aloud to like where anything during surgery. Weird... not even her bra or underwear...

"Nicole, I'm scared. What if something goes wrong?" Faith asks me while she pulls her shirt over her head.

"I know, me too. But you'll be alright, I promise. There's a 10% chance that something could happen. And you are not part of that 10%." I explain to her.

"I guess." she sits back into her cot and pulling the blankets on top of her. I pick up her clothes and call the nurse back into our room. I look at the nurse's nametag and read "Sue". Ew, I don't like that name. No offense to her or anything...

Sue inserts Faith's IV and gives her a pill for help with the medicine flowing through her or something. "She didn't eat anything did she?" Sue asks me.

"Oh um no. We made sure she didn't eat." I smile.

"Alright, good." Sue smiles. "Now this is how the surgery will proceed-" She explains to Faith what she will do after she is given her sleeping junk and stuff. Sue looks like she's about a little older then me, but she uses some really big words. I'm like super confused.

"Got it?" Sue asks. Me and Faith nod. I have no idea what she was saying, but cool. I got it.

"I'll give Faith her anesthesia medicine, and then the doctor will come in to ask you a couple of questions, and then we will take her off for her surgery." Sue leaves us to go get the medicine, so it's just me and Faith. I look over to Faith and notice she's shaking.

"Oh baby, it's gonna be ok." I take ahold of Faith's hand.

"I know but I'm just scared. I'm just happy that it's not my leg because then I'd have to learn to walk. Again." Faith smiles.

"Yeah, that's very true." I laugh.

The nurse returns and gives Faith the sleeping medicine. I start to wonder how long it will take for it to work, but I instantly know because she starts acting drunk. "Nikkieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. We should geeetttt a kitttiiiiieeeeeee. Haarryyyyy's is so cuuuuttteeeee." She slurs. I cant keep my laughter in and let out a small giggle. Even Sue let out a small squeak.

Before Faith can humor me any more, a young doctor I've never seen before steps through the curtain holding his clipboard. And I must say, he is pretty attractive. "Wait. Who are you? I thought Faith's normal doctor would help with her surgery."

"Actually no, he isn't a surgeon. Didn't he tell you that? I'm Dr. Hatter." The doctor says, putting his clipboard down on the table next to Faith's cot.

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