Chapter 10: Faith

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--Niall's pov--

We all walk slowly down the hallway to Nik's room. They've kept us waiting so long, I'm kinda scared to see what happened.

We finally find her room: room 47. I sigh and put my hand on the handle. I slowly turn it and push open the door. I look inside to see Nicole still asleep. We all file in and take seats around the room. It's medium sized, so we all fit perfectly.

I sit there looking at her. She's so pretty when she sleeps. I wonder how long she's gonna be sleeping though. I want to hear her say she's ok. I notice that she has a light bandage rapped around get head, and a soft cast on her arm. She seems like she'll be ok, but if she cant have the cast off by the time the dance comes, she'll freak.

I jump as the doctor walks in the room. I stand to shake his hand. "I'm guessing none of you are her mother are you?" he says after shaking my hand.

"ummm well no. I called her mom, but she hasn't showed up yet. Im sure she'll be here soon." I say nodding. But should I of said I HOPE she'll be here soon?

Her doctor nods and looks at his clipboard. "Well ok then. Well im Dr. Flinn, and I see that Nicole is your friend?" We all nod. "ok, then i'll tell you what has happened to the dear girl. I'm figuring when she fell down the stairs she landed on her head, that's why she's knocked out, is that correct?" I nod once again. Cut to the chase already, doc. He continues, "Well she did twist her arm in a way that the bones are not supposed to be twisted in..." he pauses and I hold my breath. "Good news is, is that she only bruised the bone. So she will be in this soft temporary cast in the time being." I let out a sigh of relief. It will only be a little while.

"And with poor Nikki's head," he says walking over to the bed to stand next to her, "Nothing severe. She'll just have a bump, but it shall go away by the time she gets the cast off. She will be fine with remembering everything, but just a few things will be blurry to her. That should go away by tomorrow though." The doctor finishes. I smile, im so glad she's alright.

"Thankyou doc." Liam says and Dr. Flinn nods.

"Tell me when she wakes up ok?" Dr. Flinn adds. We nod. "Good. Now, you can all stay in here till she wakes up, but I ask that you wont bother her."

I nod, "wont be a problem. Thanks again."

He smiles and walks out the door with his clipboard in hand, shutting it as he goes.

"I'm so happy she's ok." Laura cheers.

Lizzy nods and smiles. I think I see a few tears coming out of her eyes, but I know this time, they're tears of joy.

I think I'm happier then anyone here though. If Nicole's gonna be happy, im happy.


--Nicole's pov--

Goodness, my head hurts. But don't even get me started about my arm. It feels like I got chewed on by a polar bear. I flutter my eyes open, but I cant see anything. Everything's dark and blurry. I go to rub my eyes, but using the arm that's not totally killing me at the moment. As my eyes get used to the darkness, I can make out a few figures. But they're all slouched over. I count how many figures I can see by moving my eyes around the room. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... My eyes land on the last person closest to me.? I move a little closer to see who it is.

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