Chapter 24: Party Time

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--Nicole's pov--

The music pounds my skull and my heart dances with the beat. I walk thru the living room and smile as I hear a few guys whistle. No to brag or anything...but I agree. I looked hot. I go to the kitchen and the smell of beer hits me. I know I shouldn't be at a party with beer and tons of drunk peeps... But this partay is too dang fun.

I look around the room to find a drink and spot the last can of lemonade. I grab it and make sure it wasn't opened all ready. Check, not opened. It's all mine...

I straighten out my outfit. I took Morgan's word and wore a navy blue sequin tanktop and tight skinny jeans. Per-fect.

Some drunk dude slams me against the wall and I grab my lemonade and hurry out before he can try anything. I walk I into the family room to find tons of couples making out all over the couches. Speaking of couples...where are Laura and Harry? If he does anything her I shall slice him with a knife and kill him. Just sayin.

I sigh and look around for someone I know. Where the heck is Niall? I haven't seen him in like an hour. I peak my head back inside the kitchen but still don't see him. I turn back around and see him across the room. How did I not see him before?

I smile as I see him laughing about something. He's so adorable. Who's he laughing at? My eyes move to the locations around him and jealousy boils over. A blonde is sitting on his lap. With her arm around him. And him holding her. Having fun.

Does she like him? More importantly does he like her?

All of a sudden this bolt of anger surges thru me. Another bitch is not taking another guy away from me. I strut over and control myself so I don't rip her face off.

Niall smiles at me when he sees me. "Hey Nik, what's up? Having a good time."

Chill Nicole. It's gonna be alright. She's just a super bitch, and your...well still a bitch but less then that. "Fine. Who's this?" I say getting right to the point. I'm not messing around with this slut.

She smiles at me. "Hi I'm Emma." Bitch.

"Hi, I've never seen you before. Where are you from" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I just moved here. I've been talking to Niall and I guess we're going to be going to the same school next year." She says smiling at Niall.

I roll my eyes. "So if you just moved here, how'd you get invited?"

Niall coughs awkwardly but I ignore him. "Well I'm neighbors with Morgan and she invited me. You got a problem?" She asks, the sweetness fading in her voice. Yes, exactly what I'm aiming for.

"Actually yeah. There's only enough room here for so many bitches, and you don't fit, sorry." I say nodding my head. Niall's eyes widen.

"Excuse me?" Emma glares as she stands up from Niall's lap.

"You heard me sista. Oh, that's an ugly top by the way." I say, smirking.

Her mouth forms an 'O', "oh my gosh you're such a bitch!" She shrieks.

Niall stands up, "come on, it's fine."

I smirk at him, then turn to her, "oh I know. And I'm proud of it. Now stay away from Niall before some of your bitchiness rubs off on him."

"In your dreams." She smiles at me as she grabs Niall's collar and plants one on him. At first he's surprised, but then he starts kissing her back. My eyes widen. Well this didn't go the way I planned.

She pulls away from the kiss and licks her lips. She smiles at me and then leans in to whisper something in my ear, "good luck ever trying to get him back."

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