Chapter 44: Something New

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--Nicole's pov--


"ooohoohoooh she's so dangerous!" I sing along to my radio as I drive home from the school. Today my music class started presenting their songs. A lot were adorable, i just wanted to wrap the partners up and dip them in my coffee. And then others... you dont want to know. 

One of the school's biggest choir concerts is on Sunday, so you could say I'm alittle stressed.

And on top of that, there's still the Niall problem. You wont believe how many calls i got from Steph and El, even a call from Laura, which surprised me. The girls in both of my classes wouldn't leave me alone... I'd slap Niall if I could, but it's sort of my fault too. I did admit everything, I could of just walked away. BUT NOOOOO. I had to confess everything. Great job, Nikki.

 When I pull into my driveway, my phone starts ringing. I look down at it and roll my eyes. A random number has been calling me for days now, the same number. Eventually I'll pick up the phone, but i"m scared of who the heck will be calling me.

I turn the car off and grab my bag. Once I open my apartment door, I'm greeted by an overwhelming smell. I look around and find a giant pile of Max cookies on our 'living room' carpet. "Thanks babe." I mutter as he shakes his tail next to me. "You always know how to make my day better".

I wash my hands after that amazing adventure Max gave me, i feel my butt start to vibrate, indicating I'm receiving a call. I swear to God if it's that random number again i'm going to call the cops. My caller ID spells Ellie Parkers across my screen and i suddenly feel heavy. I really dont need anything else piled on me right now, but i answer anyways.


"Hey Nicole! How are you?" she asks cheerfully.

"Alright, this Niall crap is getting to everyone though. What about you?" I try not to yawn.

"Fine, fine. I was calling to ask if you would come over for another interview?" That's exactly what i was dreading. Another? i barely survived the last one.

"Uh... what for?" i really hope it's not about Niall, but what else could it be about? I'm not very interesting. I lean up against my kitchen counter and wait for her response.

"I know what you're thinking, but it's not about Niall Horan. I wanted to ask you about what it's like being friends with the popular models, Stephanie and Eleanor."

"How did you know i was friends with them...?" I ask, suspiciously.

"I- oh um- I... did research! Yeah, research." She says again, probably trying to make it sound like it was true. I'm not stupid though.

"On what?" i ask, patiently. This should be good.

"Well your life, obviously..." she says quietly. I hear her sigh, "Fine, you got me. I just want to hang out, ok? I dont have many friends because of my work, and you seemed like a really nice gal... God, i sound so creepy. Would you mind coming over and like watching a movie or something? You could even bring Max if you want."

I cant help but feel flattered.I know how she feels too, I dont have many friends either because they all live across the world. And let me tell you, it sucks. I look down at Max who is sprawled out across the couch. "Well if I can bring my baby... why not?" Ellie laughs, and we make plans for Saturday because of my concert on Sunday. I get a hint of excitement in my stomach. The last time I hung out with someone was parent teacher conferences. I know it's sad, but this will be a nice change, right?

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