Chapter 35: Airplanes

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--Nicole's pov--

"Flight 56 is ready to board". The lady on the intercom screams. I sigh, I'm so tired. I look around at the groups of people frantically moving to their terminal. That'll be us.. in about 2 hours.

Niall woke me up 3 hours then I needed to be up by. He thought I'd be a "normal girl" and take 2 hours to get ready. He should really know by now that im not a "normal girl".

Niall snores softly, with his head on my shoulder. I sigh again. Shouldn't this be the other way around? Mr. Bobby is nowhere to be found. I think he went to get something to eat. My stomach rumbles just thinking about food. I probably should of gone with him.

I glance at the clock across the waiting rom and read 4:59 am. Why did we even have to get up so early... Our flight arrives at 7. I'm going to kill a certain Irish boy when he wakes up.

Another family walks into view inside the waiting room. They look around and spot a couple of seats next to me and Niall. They smile and sit down, with their little girl that looks about 4, sitting next to me. She rubs her sleepy eyes and looks up at me. I smile down at her and she gives me a toothless grin back. "Hi, my name's Anna, and I just lost 3 tooths." she says holding up 4 fingers.

"Wow really?" I giggle. Anna nods happily and asks me what my name is. I tell her Nicole and her eyes light up, "That's such a pretty name!" she gushes.

I laugh, "Thankyou, but not as pretty as yours." she blushes and looks down at her shoes. She grins and her head shoots back up, "My mommy and daddy are taking me and Andy to Disney World!"

"Aww that's so fun! Are you excited?" I smile.

She nods, "Are you going to Disney World?"

I shake my head and she frowns, "Then where are you going? You should go to Disney World."

"I wish I was, but I'm going to Ireland with my friend Niall."

"Oh! That's where the Leprechauns live!" She giggles. "But who's Niall? That's a funny name."

"This is Niall." I nudge him and he snorts. Anna and I giggle.

Her nose crinkles up, "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Actually yes, he is." I smile. She makes a disgusted face, "But boys are gross! See?" she points to her brother, I'm assuming is Andy from what she said before. He looked about Faith's age and was reading a sports magazine. He looks a lot like Anna: same golden blonde hair, brown eyes, same small nose. The only difference was Anna had big rimmed glasses around her chocolate brown eyes.

I laugh, "You're right, but they aren't that bad. You get used to them." I look down Niall, still fast asleep.

"You're really pretty." Anna says to me.

"Thanks, you are too."

"But you look like a princess." Her eyes widen.

"Which princess?" I ask her. This should actually be interesting.

"If you put your hair was yellow, you would look just like Rapunzel!" She yells excitedly.

"And you can be Rapunzel's little sister." I brush my hand through her thin hair.

"Yay! I've always wanted to be a princess's sister!" Anna cheers. Can this little girl get any cuter?


"Here's your cheeseburger Nik, and a small fry for Anna." Niall smiles handing us our food.

"Did you get anything for yourself?" I ask already knowing the answer. He holds up 2 whoppers and smirks. Of course.

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