Chapter 27: Confussion

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--Faith's pov--

"Well we think we'll have to preform surgery on your arm, Miss Anderson."

 Surgery? HA. He totally did not just say surgery. "Wait what?" I ask quickly. I look over at Nicole who I can tell is already freaking out. Her hands are starting to have spaz attacks.

"We're going to have to make a small cut in your arm to take out the bone chips and extra fluid. It is a simple procedure really." My doctor says calmly like he's talking about waffles or something.

Nicole starts freaking out and stands up, "When?"

"Probably in the next 2 weeks or so. We want to get it done as soon as possible so nothing else more severe will happen." Dr. Flinn says looking at me.

I start getting scared. I know its pretty simple, but this is just my luck. What if mom doesn't come to help me? I'm not surprised if she wont tho. I barely know my mom. I don't even know her first name for crying out loud! "W-what day are y-you thinking of d-doing it tho?" I stutter out.

He looks at the papers in his hands then looks back up at Nicole and me, "Probably next week if that's ok. So maybe Friday."

Nicole grabs my unhurt hand and hold it carefully as if it is broken. "What will we put on her arm until the surgery? We cant just leave out in the open like that. She'll hurt it even more."

He nods and turns to me, "We could give you a soft cast until then if you promise you'll be careful."

I nod softly. Of course I wont hurt it! What am I gonna do? Oh hey Nicole, I think we should go skydiving. It'll be great, I mean with my arm and all. Yay. Yeah, no.

"I'll be right back and get the paperwork with the information on the surgery and her soft cast." He says quickly and walks out the door.

"N-Nicole, im s-scared." I say softly to my sister.

"Its gonna be alright, we'll be ok." she says more to calm herself down then for me. I kinda wish Nicole didn't know about this because she's a giant worrier, and this will like keep her up all night till Friday. Dammit mom where are you when I need you? Oops. don't tell Nicole just kinda swore. She'd kill me.

"Do you think mom will come with me on Friday?" I ask. I can tell the question startles her. She turns to me slowly. "I have no idea. But just remember im always here for you when she's not ok? I'll always be here for you." she leans in and hugs me carefully.

"Thanks." I whisper.

She pulls away and smiles at me. She sniffles and wipes a few tears out of her eyes as Dr. Flinn walks back in.

"Nicole, here's the paperwork and hospital number so you can schedule the appointment. You might want to tell your mother about all of this too just so you know." He looks at her carefully. He knows that Nicole like hates our mom. I dunno why she just does. Whatever.

He then comes over to me after handing Nicole all the paperwork junk. "And here's your soft cast, Faith. I'm going to teach you how to put it on. You too, Nicole, because it might be hard for her to do it herself." Nicole looks up from the form she's reading and nods. "Ok so ill first out it on myself to show you then ill gently put it on you."

"Alright." he shows me how to put it on step by step and I loose him like by the 2nd step. Well hope you were paying attention Nicole.

"Ok got that?" he says as he shows me the finishing product.

I smile, "Sure" don't.

He slips the cast off and I hold out the injured arm out to him. "Im going to be as careful as I can, so im sorry if I hurt you." I nod as he starts to put the cast on. Once he slips it over my wrist, hell takes over the rest of my arm. I cringe as he straps me in. It's like the pain is so much that its hard to describe. Its like it burns, like an Indian rug burn, and the bone like gets cold. Its strange.

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