Chapter 43: Realization

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--Nicole's pov--

I bundle myself up in 12 blankets and sit on the couch, turning on my BlueRay player, hitting the YouTube icon. As it loads I think over the last hour.

"You're everywhere now." Ellie smiles.

"I...I am?" I question, setting the magazine back down on the stand.

She nods, looking at me strangely. "So may I ask you some questions?"

"Ummm... ok..."

We walk outside the small magazine shop and sit at a table infront of Starbucks. I pull Max onto my lap and he falls asleep softly. I still think this was a little weird, and awkward. I feel my face get hot as she opens her notebook.

"When did you and Niall Horan first meet?" Ellie says pulling out her tape recorder.

"6th grade, he had just moved here from Ireland. We were best friends ever since." I smile, sadly. We were best friends. That is, until he forgot about me.

She asks me more questions about our school, how we got together, crap like that. She seemed surprised when I told her about Louis. It felt strange telling this lady everything about myself, since I had told no one about it before. I hope she doesn't mix my words around... which she probably will.

I stop realizing this, "Are you going to mix my words around to make me sound like a bitch?"

She shakes her head, "Oh God no, I would never. I hate when people do that... You have my word." I nod suspiciously, and she asks me her last question. "Do you and Niall still stay in contact?"

I don't know why, but that question brought me to tears. Not big ones, but a small tear would fall here and there. I had pushed Niall out of my head for so long, and it all coming out now made my heart hurt. I silently told her no, and she asked why. I just shrugged.

"I know I said that would be your last question, but I personally would like to know one more thing. I promise I wont put this in the magazine. But, would you ever use his advancements, like say if he got back in contact with you. Would you use his new career as a chance to get famous yourself? Like would you use him?"

My head shoots up in shock. "I would never! Do I really look like I would? I like people for personality and fame is never what I would look for in a-" Ellie cuts me off, "Nicole, it's fine. You don't have to prove it to me, I was just wondering."

"Ok..." I breathe. Ellie hands me a piece of paper, "This is my number, I'm here for you whenever you need it. Just give me a call." she smiles. After she left I ran home, threw on my pajamas, and am now sitting on my living room couch, getting ready to watch my boy's interview on what the hell really happened...

YouTube finally comes up and I search, "One Direction interviews." The title on the first video gives away what im looking for: "NIALL HORAN IS IN LOVE?! WTF"

I roll my eyes and click on it. The video takes a minute to load, but once it starts, my stomach does flips and I start to feel sick.

The man, im guessing the interviewer but I didn't catch his name, begins introducing the show and showing the boys. Harry and Louis cheer and Niall laughs. God do I miss that laugh... I wont cry, I cant cry.

"So guys, are you ready to release Midnight Memories?" The interviewer, lets call his Bob, asks.

"Yes, we're really happy to have another album coming out. We're so thankful that we have gotten this far. I mean, three albums! It's so unreal." Liam responds. His accent sounds the same, but he looks different. Older. If I close my eyes it would be just like old times...

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