Chapter 30: First Date part 2

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--Nicole's pov--

"aww look at the daddy one!" Niall says cheerfully, resembling a little boy. I roll my eyes and smile up as him as I watch his eyes. They start to sparkle with excitement. How a guy could get this excited over giraffes I have no idea. I probably looked like this with the elephants but I'm a girl so...

I watch the giraffe that he was pointing at. It was helping its baby reach some of the leaves at the top of the tree. We named the baby Burger. I think Niall only thought of that name because he's hungry. Every once in a while I hear his stomach grumble. Maybe when we're done with his giraffes we can go get a bite to eat.

"Dude they're poop looks like cocoa puffs." He says out of the blue.

I look at him with a disgusted face. "Only you would notice that."

"Hey man, its right there. Its not hard to see." He laughs.

I look back at the grass, seeing that it was covered in the so-called-cocoa-puffs, and he was kinda right. I hold up my arms in surrender. "Fine, you win!"

Niall laughs and ruffles my hair. "C'mon, im hungry. Let's go. Burger and his pals are going in their houses anyways." I nod as I straighten out my hair and watch the families one by one, walk into their rooms to get out of the sun.

He takes my hand and we make our way to the café. As we walk inside the sliding doors, the cold air slides across my face. Thank goodness we walked in here, I was like melting outside. We stand in line behind an old man and his wife. "aww" I smile as I watch them giggle together.

"What?" Niall says, as he hugs me from behind.

"That little old couple in front of us. They look so happy together." I say.

"aww aren't they cute." he laughs. I nod and look up at the menu. Eww they have like nothing. And its all so expensive. "What are you getting?" Niall asks me as we make our way up the line. We're next actually.

"I dunno. They don't have much yummy stuff. Probably macaroni and cheese." I shrug.

"That'll be good though, I think." He mutters.

We get up to the cashier and I order mac and cheese and soda, and Niall orders like 5 slices of sausage pizza. Where does he hold all this junk?

"You go find a seat and I'll get the food when it's ready." Niall smiles.

"Alrighty." I say as I walk back out the sliding doors and look around for a seat. I find an open one and make my way over to it. A few families watch me as I walk past their tables. I wipe some crumbs off the table and pull out my chair. I'm about to sit down when some giggling stops me. I look around at the tables and see nothing strange.. Maybe I'm just loosing my marbles.

I turn around, and the giggling comes again. Ok, now I know that im not just imaging it. I look around once more but nothing again. Wtf? i turn back around, and a newspaper on my right catches my eye. I turn slowly and the newspaper shots up, covering the owners face. Ok...? i walk over to the newspaper slowly and hear the giggling again. It's definitely coming from the couple behind the newspaper. I get to the table, but I'm still not able to see who's behind it. I reach over to pull the paper, when instead it flies down onto the table before I can reach it. I jump at the sudden movement. When I see the couple, i literally feel like killing myself.

"Oh my god guys what are you doing here?" I groan.

"We've been here all day, what are you talking about?" Laura says like she's totally not crashing my date with her boyfriend.

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