Chapter 37: Family

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--Nicole's pov--

++July 6th++

"My mum says that they're going to be a little late." Niall says as we get off the plane.

"That's fine." I smile. "Do you think they're going to like me...?" I know I shouldn't be nervous but I can't help it. It's just that feeling you get whenever you meet someone new, ya know? I just don't know if his mom will except me... like what if she thinks I'm not good enough for her son? Or maybe even the other way around (I doubt it but you never know)...

He stops and turns to me, "Stop, she's going to love you! You're wonderful and she's going to see that! And if she doesn't, then I need to bring her to the doctors..."

I roll my eyes, "I'm starving, let's get something to eat." Niall takes hold of my hand and we walk over to the food court. A group of girls point to us and start fangirling. I laugh and wave to them. One of the girls gives me a thumbs up and I roll my eyes.

We order Taco Bell, which I'm surprised they had here, and sit down to eat. Niall tells me not to worry, we're be eating Nando's for the rest of the week when his mom will let us get away. I laugh and finish my taco.

Niall throws our trash away and comes back over to me and our luggage. "Let's find my dad, my mum should be here soon."

"I'm afraid you can't do that sir." A lady says behind, I turn to look at her. "Because he's alrwady right here with your mother."

Niall turns his head around so fast I thought it was going to snap. "Mum!" Niall yells and engulfs his mom is a hug. "I missed you so much how have you been?"

"Wonderful, deary, thankyou. I missed my baby so much" her thick Irish accent matching Niall's and his dad's. It might be kind of awkward between his parents because of their divorce before, but I'm pretty sure they've got over it.

"And you must be Nicole." She opens her arms up for a hug and I take her offer. She's so warm, I smile.

"I'm Maura, but you can call my mom, or whatever you want." She smiles to me.

"Thanks so much for letting me come, it was so sweet of you." After all, it was all her idea in the first place.

"Don't mention it! I've always wanted to meet one if my baby's girlfriends! He rarely has any." She whispers the last bit to me. I laugh along with her as we see Niall pouting in the corner. I can already tell that this is going to be an amazing week.


"He talks about you all the time Nicole, all the time. He'll call me up every week like he always does, and just goes on and on about you, 'Mom shes the one i just know it'-" I chuckle and look back at Niall who's so red in the face I think he might blow up.

"It's true." Niall's dad adds in, "he talks about you all the time!"

"Guys, stop..." he mumbles. "You're embarrassing me..."

She laughs, "fine fine, are you excited for the wedding Nikki?" she asks me from the drivers seat. They all told me to sit shotgun so i could get a better look at his hometown as we went through it. It's even prettier then I thought it would be. "I'm really excited. I'll get to meet a lot of your family. I cant wait." I smile. I'm actually more excited then they could ever think. This is going to be the first wedding I've ever been to. And the best is Niall's in it.

"Do you have a dress?" Mrs. Maura asks. "Yeah, I brought one from home." It's probably not as nice as it should be, but i'll make it work.

"Darn, I wanted to take you shopping for one so we could have some bonding time. Oh well, I'll still take you and we'll find you another dress." She smiles as she pulls into a small neighborhood.

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