Chapter 5: Bikini Babes

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--Nicole's pov--

I walk outside of school and walk over to the pole where I meet Niall to walk home. It is now officially spring break! YEAH BABY. I learn up against the pole and look around. People all packing into their cars and rolling all the windows down screaming as the drive away. Dang, I wish I had a car.


I scream and turn around to see Niall laughing hysterically. I smile, "You jerk! That's not funny! You scared me to death!" but I couldn't help but laugh.

He straightens up still laughing, "yeah, that's why it's funny."

I roll my eyes and smile. "You're a dork Niall."

He smiles back, "but you love it."

"True dat." I go as we start walking home.

He leans over to me, putting his hand in my face amd pretending it's a microphone, "School is over for spring break, what are you gonna do now, Miss Nicole Anderson?"


"Good choice. Now is there any love involved in this break?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Wait, are you talking bout me?" I ask and he nods. "Oh. Well I dunno..." I trail off knowing my face is probably bright red.

He laughs. "Oooooh so what's goin on in your love life now?" He nudges me.

"Nothing!" I yell and start to skip ahead of him.

He catches up to me, "fine then, don't tell me."

"Alright I won't." I look over to see his pouts. "Dude, that ain't gonna work on me."

He sighs, "fine. We still on for the beach tomorrow?"

"Oh you know it. BEACH PARTAY." He just laughs. "Hey, we're best friends right?" I ask.

He just looks at me like I'm crazy, "yeah, why...?"

"Then will you give me a piggy back ride? Please? Cause you love me?" I give him my best puppy dog face.

"Ugh do I have to?"

"Pleaseeeee?? My leg hurts. I totally killed myself in gym today. It hurts so bad."

He finally gives in and bends down. "Hop on."

"YAY! I love you Niall!" I hop on his back.

"Yeah yeah. Love you too." He laughs as he starts walking again, with me on his back. "so..." he continues.

"yeah?" I go.

"I was thinking that on Sunday you could come over to my house and hang out? And you could bake me some brownies or something."

I laugh, "thanks for that wonderful offer but I cant. I'm goin over to Louis's on Sunday." I can see our houses coming up the road.

He stops. "Did i just hear what i think i just heard?"


"You're going over to Louis's? what? why? what time?"

"What: im going over to Louis's. Why: he invited me over and we have to practice for our music project together AND he said I could stay after we were done. What time: around 6 or so."

He drops me off his back and my feet hit the sidewalk hard. Ow. "what are you guys gonna do?" he looks concerned.

"I don't know! watch a movie or something?" he still doesn't look convinced. "Dude, we're not gonna have sex or anything, trust me. You KNOW I'd slap him with a pickle and run away." he laughs at the last part.

"Just Friends" (1D fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant