Chapter 16: Living Without

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--Nicole's pov--

It's been exactly 20 hours, 25 minutes, and 5 seconds since me and Niall's fight. I look up form my sandwich to look across the lunchroom where Niall is sitting with a group of (actually nice) jocks, laughing about something. He decided not to sit with all of us at lunch today cause he was still pissed off at me. This is probably the biggest fight we've ever had. I wouldn't tell anyone else this, but I miss him. A lot. Laura and Lizzy think that i'm still mad, but i'm not. 

I might have over-reacted A LITTLE bit, and I know I need to apologize, but what if he doesn't accept it? I think Liam suspects that i'm more upset then mad because he's caught me looking off at Niall a couple of times. I sigh again (for like the fifth time), and look back down at my ham and cheese sandwich.  Suddenly it doesn't look good anymore. I sigh once again, and get up to go throw it away. On my way back at my seat, I look over at Niall, and he's looking at me as well. He quickly looks away. Maybe I should apologize...

I walk over to my sat again and sit down. "So." Laura says looking over at me. "Are you super excited for tomorrow night?"

"What's tomorrow again?" asked confused.

Laura and Lizzy's jaws just about hit the table. "HOW COULD YOU FORGET?! PROM?!??!?!?!?" Lizzy says looking at me like im insane.

"What? OH! wait, didn't your homeroom teacher tell you this morning? Prom was moved to Saturday instead." I ask raising an eyebrow.

Laura and Lizzy exchange glances, "no.... why was it moved?" Laura asks.

"I guess some of the cheerleaders complained because we also have school tomorrow." I say.

"Yeah, but it's a half day." Lizzy says, confused.

"But the game is tomorrow too, so I guess they wouldn't have time to get ready or something." I say rolling my eyes at the last part.

They both nod, soaking it in. "ok... WELL THEY COULD OF TOLD US!" Lizzy yells.

"your teacher was supposed to, but guess they forgot." I shrug.

They both shrug, and then Laura goes back to telling everyone how she almost died yesterday. I think she choked on chicken at dinner of something. I don't know. To be honest, im not really listening. It's like my ears are blocked or something. I look over at Liam who's looking at me with squinted eyes, like he's studying me. He smiles and gets up. I watch him as he walks around the table and sits done next to me. "what's wrong Nikki?"

"nothing..." I look away so he can't look me in the eye.

"No seriously, what's wrong. You look depressed. It's Niall isn't it?"

I sigh and look back up at him, "Kinda."

He puts his arm around me, "Tell Dr. Liam.":

I let out a small laugh, "Well I feel really bad about the whole thing."

"Why?" he questions.

"I don't know. I guess it's cause I over-reacted, and even though I don't believe him, he was still trying to warn me about something serious. And I should of just been happy that he would do that. But now he probably hates me so." I say, feeling tears start to form. Don't cry, Nikki, don't cry.

"He doesn't hate you." Liam laughs.

"How do you know?" I sniff.

"Because he's in lov- I mean, because your his best friend." Liam smiles.

"Yeah, but not anymore."

"Just talk to him."

"I can't." I go.

"Just talk to him!" Liam says annoyed.

"Fine! I will later!" I say.

"Good." He smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

"Yeah," I smile too, as the bell rings signaling the end of lunch.

I get up from the lunch table and throw my water bottle away on my way out of the lunch room. In the hallway, Louis passes by me on my way to my locker. "Hey babe." he winks on his way past me. For those like 5 seconds, I feel like i'm walking on air. I let out a little wave as I walk past, smacking right into a male body, "ugh. oh shoot, im sorry-" I start to say as I look up to see a blonde-Irish boy.

"Better watch where you're going." he glares.

"Sorry..." I silently let out. He looks up to see why I wasn't paying attention, to see Louis talking to one of his friends, and he rolls his eyes.

"pathetic..." he mutters as he pushes his way past me. He leaves me standing there, in the middle of the hallway, watching him walk away.


At the end of the school day, me and Niall didn't walk home together. I waited for him at our usual spot, but he never showed up, so I walked home alone. Which I hate doing, and he knows that. So know im sitting in my room, trying to finish my history homework. I move my soaking wet hair from out of my face. (Maybe it wasn't too smart to take a shower before I finished my homework...)

I sigh as I look at my phone across the bed. No texts or calls from him. He must really be mad.

Why won't he call me? I feel so alone... I could call Laura, but she probably won't answer because she's at dance. I could call Lizzy, but she said she had a dentist appointment in a half an hour. And i don't really feel like calling Liam, harry, or Zayn. I can't call Louis, because he might make fun of me. 

So there I sit for the rest of the night, alone, and without my best friend. If we don't make up in time for Saturday, I don't know what i'll do. I never knew it'd be this hard to go through a single day without Niall Horan.


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<3, Lauren

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