Chapter 38: Weddings

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--Nicole's pov--

++July 7th++

I wakeup to a couple knocks at the door, then I hear Greg's voice. "Hey Niall, do you know where Nikki is? She's not in her room..." My eyes shoot open and so do Niall's. Some how in the middle of the night we both tossed and turned and I ended upon top of him...

I mean, I don't care, but his family probably will. "Can I come in?" Greg asks.

"Erm..." Niall didn't even answer but his brother just barged right in. I didn't even get a chance to move or anything, so I'm still on top of Niall, right in front of his big brother,

"oh. um." Greg states awkwardly, but then his mouth forms a smirk. "I see what's going on here."

"No, bro, its not like that-" Niall stutters.

"Its alright, I don't care. Just kinda surprised. I wont tell mum and dad. They're out at breakfast by the way." He smiles.

"It's still seriously mot what it looks like though... I just couldn't get to sleep..." I try to explain to him.

"Yeah, it's fine, whatever." Greg laughs, "You're making breakfast for us just so you know." he calls as he walks down the hall.

Niall and I look at eachother and laugh. "That was a close one." I smile.

"I knew he wouldn't care anyways. So you're welcome here whenever." he winks.

I roll my eyes and climb out of bed to make us all pancakes.


++July 8th++

"Try this one on too!" Maura says, handing me another dress. She's like a teenage girl when it comes to shopping. I've already been in the dressing room 4 times and we still cant find the perfect dress.

"You still don't have to buy me something. I've had so much fun, that's all I need." yeah, that was super cheesy, but who cares. I don't want her buying me anything.

"Nonsense! We will find you the perfect dress for you!" She throws another dress onto my pile and we head back into the dressing room. None of those were perfect, so we made another round, and this time found the perfect one.


"C'mon Nik! Hurry up! We want to see it! How long does it take to put a dress on?" Mr. Bobby and Greg groan in agreement.

"One sec!" I call as I straighten out my hair to make it look perfect. I walk down the hall to the living room wear they're all waiting to show them the dress we picked out. Once I enter the room, the boys jaws drop, except Greg's. He just smirks. "You look amazing, honey." Bobby smiles to me.

"Thanks." I blush. I look at Niall and he just blinks at me.

"Close your mouth dear, you dont want to catch any flies." Maura laughs.

"You looks beautiful, Nik." He gets up form the couch to give me a hug. "Nuh uh, you might wrinkle the fabric." I say holding a hand up. He chuckles and gives me a hug anyways.

Before taking the dress off, I get one more look at myself in the mirror. It was a gorgeous gold dress, the fabric was so smooth I couldnt believe it was a dress. Small sequences were around my breast area. Strapless and went to my knees, it was perfect. And I dont even think it was that expensive. I'm still determined to pay her back though, whether she likes it or not.


++July 10th++

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