Chapter 8: Falling Failures

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--Laura's pov--

Ok ok ok ok so what I hear bout the whole "Louis and Nicole" situation? AHHH OMG HE TOTALLY LIKES HER! To think, our kids could some day be best friends! It's so exciting to even think about!

Me, Lizzy, and Nikki are all sitting in Nicole's room gossiping about her night last night.

"Nikki, he totally likes you." Lizzy goes.

"Maybe. But you never know" Nicole grins. I don't see why she thinks he doesn't. I mean, HE PUT HIS FLIPPIN ARM AROUND HER AND sorta KISSED HER GOODNIGHT. How could that NOT say that he likes her?

"Dude, he likes you." I say raising my eyebrows.

She blushes, "you guys really think so?"

"YEAH." Me and Lizzie scream. How many times have we been saying this?!

--Nicole's pov--

I'm actually staring to believe them. Maybe he does like me. I really hope so...

"Girl, I betcha he's gonna ask you to the dance." Laura squeals.

"Nah, he prob already has a date. I mean LOOK at him." I laugh. Lizzy and Laura just stare at me.

"He's gonna ask you if he doesn't have one tho." Lizzy goes.

I shrug. "Maybe. But speaking of dates..." I look at Laura who pretends like nothing's happening. "Laura, what happened with you and Harry at the beach? You still haven't told us."

"Nothin..." She says looking down at her hands.

"You can tell usssss. Pleasseeee?" Lizzy wines.


"Aaannnndddd...?" I go.

She smiles, "and he kissed me."

Me and Lizzy start screaming like crazy. "OH MY GAWD HE DID?!" I scream, although I knew it was true. I saw it. But I ain't gonna ruin her thunder.

"Yes!" She squeals.

We all start doing a happy dance while sitting on my bed, totally messing up everything on it. "THAT'S SO CRAY CRAY." Lizzy yells.

"Is Harry a good kisser?" I question. "Like, rate him 1-10."

She thinks for a minute. "Hmmm probably a 9." Laura states. We all scream again.

"So looks like 2/3 of us gots dates. Now all I need is Louis, AND WE'LL HAVE THE NIGHT OF OUR LIVES." I say screaming the last part.

We all cheer.

"But do you think he's gonna ask me?" I ask again.

"HELL YEAH." They both yell. How do the always scream that in sync?


"Sing me a song." I say as I'm laying on Niall's bed, Him in his desk chair with his guitar in hand.

I came over to his house after Laura and Lizzy left. Apparently Laura had to go shopping with her grandma, and Lizzy had to clean up the park. (Why am I the only one who doesn't have anything "nice" to do? I mean shopping with old peeps and environment stuff? I look like an earth hater.)

He starts to strum some of the strings. "What song?"

"Any one."

He strums lightly and I smile. Already knowing what he's gonna play.

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