Chapter 42: Forgotten

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--Nicole's pov--


Monday Morning

I pull into my regular parking spot in the parking lot when my phone starts to buzz beside me. I groan, who could possibly be wanting to talk to me at 6am?

The Caller ID answers my question, and I'm not surprised. "Hello, Darling." Eleanor says cheerfully on the other side of the line.

"Good morning. How are you?" I smile as I struggle to grab my bag from the back seat.

"I'm alright, more importantly, how is my favorite child?"

"I'm fine, just a little tired. Today I'm going to teach-" I get cut off by a girl screaming in the background on the other line. 'Is that Nikki?' The voice stays louder. "Yeah now shut up!" El scolds.

"Hey Nikki!" The voice, Stephanie, screams into the phone, almost popping my eardrums.

"Hey Steph." I chuckle and walk into Key Middle School, waving at a few other teachers as they walk past me.

"We miss you so much!" she yells into the phone again. "How's your teaching job going?"

After all three of us graduated from the University, we all knew exactly what we were called to be, and were forced to separate. Or well, I was. El studied to be a teacher, and Steph an editor, but they both were called from magazines offering them modeling jobs. I guess they had seen El and Steph's senior pictures, and called right away, shipping them both to London together for shots. So far they've been with ten magazine editors, and are on to their eleventh. They've also been with like clothing stores and shops... Imagine how I feel right now. It's ok though, because I went through my four years to be a music teacher, and that's exactly what I am now. My four years of collage and graduating in 2015, has been payed off.

I unlock my door and swing it open, revealing my neat little music room with desks and stands. It's just like the classroom that my class was I was in at least 7 years ago. "Great, thanks. We're starting a new project soon. How's your modeling going?"

"It's great, they have so many new projects for us." El explains. "We might work with Forever 21 soon." Steph starts to squeal and I congratulate them. I've always been jealous of how pretty they are, and how they get to travel places together, while I'm still stuck here in Michigan. I can't complain though, I love my job and all the kids. El and Steph blab about their new projects while I unload my bag and write the date on the board: March 23rd, 2016.

A male voice behind El and Steph mutters something to them, interrupting Stephanie's train of thought. "Oh sorry dear, but we have to go. Talk to you soon! Love you!" El says before hanging up. I slide my phone back into my pocket and adjust my classroom.

I walk down to the teacher's lounge to grab a cup of coffee, when I'm greeted by my boss, the principal. "Good morning, Nicole. How has your class been?" Mr. Mason asks cheerfully. He was a small, chubby man with white hair. He reminded of my grandpa.

"It's terrific, why? Is there something wrong?" I frown.

"No, it's just a mother of one of the girls in your classes called and told me how much her daughter loved you. Allison Cal I believe it was. Ms. Anderson, I believe this is the 5th time a child's mother has called to compliment you. You are quite a favorite at the school." He smiles.

"Thankyou. Good, she is one of my favorite students. Excuse me, I have to go. Thankyou, Mr. Mason." I nod him a goodbye and head back to my classroom. I find myself smiling at what my boss had said. I have to admit that I was one of the best teachers at this school. Being the music/choir teacher and all, people often found it easy to talk to me. I've helped my students with breakups and cutting... some even come back to see me when they're in high school. It feels good to be loved.

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