Chapter 28: Mini Modeling Job

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A/N: hey guys! I'm still open to suggestions from the quiz I gave ya. :D thanks!!!

<3, Lauren


--Nicole's pov--

I open the door to find Laura on her phone. "What's up?" she says as she walks in not even looking up at me, still looking down at her phone. And when I say looking down at it, I mean its technically glued to her face. "hey Laura." I sigh.

She looks up at me for a second and looks back down at her phone. "What's wrong, love?"

I chuckle, "Stop, you're sounding like Harry. anyways how are you guys?"

I immediately see her face go red as she blushes a bright pink, "we're goooood. he's so sweet. And he's always so funny and stuff and he always tells me I'm beautiful and..." She slips her phone in her back pocket of her jean shorts as she follows me into the living room. I smile to myself after she finished bragging. Her and Harry are so made for each other. I shipped them from the start, and I still do. Dang I gotta get their ship name figured out...

"Sup Faith." Laura yells over at my sister. Faith smiles from the couch "Hay gurl hay!"

"Ok, I'm sounding like Harry?! Listen to her!" Laura throws her arms in the air, jokingly

"Eww I don't want to be like Harry!" Faith says making a disgusted face.

Laura shakes her finger at her warningly, "Watch it sista, that's my boyfriend your talking about. And speaking of boyfriends.... Ello Tristan!"

He nods at her, "Hey Laura..."

I grab a couple of water bottles and a big bag of chips. "Come on Laura, lets go upstairs. I gots somes stuffs tos tells yous."

"ooooooh coming!!!!" She yells following me up the stairs to my room. I walk inside my room and flop on my bed, Laura following my actions. "So vas happenin?"

"Ok so- wait Seriously, you cant keep stealing people's identities." I laugh, she rools her eyes and tells me to just continue. "Anyways, guess what I did last night."

"You went to a concert?" she asks. I shake my head. "You ate waffles?" I shake my head again. "You.. I have no idea just tell me."

"I found out that someone likes me back..." I say with a grin.

"Wait, I thought you said you were giving up on your life and never were going to fall in love again and go run away to go live in Texas with the deserts." Laura says with a straight face.

"Laura I never said that."

"Your point?"

"Ok nevermind, I stayed over at Niall's" I say trying to give her a little more hints.

"Ok so if you stayed over, then that means you guys had a sleepover, and if you had a sleepover that means that you slept, and if it was together then that means that you slept together and that means." she stops and gasps.

"Yeah...?" I smile. She finally gets it.

"You lost your virginity to Niall Horan?!" she yells a little too loud. Hope Faith didn't hear that so she doesn't get the wrong idea.

I give myself a facepalm. "Oh my gosh no! Niall likes me! I like him. You get it?"

"No." she says confused.

"Laura, I liked Niall since after Prom, Niall has liked me since like forever. So last night I decided to tell him, and it turns out that he actually likes me too. So I was chillin with him up in his room, and I got tired, and he let me sleep with him. We just slept. Nothing more." I try to explain to her.

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