Chapter 45: He's a Keeper

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--Nicole's pov--

Sunday: After the choir concert

"Thankyou, thankyou!" I smile to the people congratulating me at the end of the concert. I give hugs to all the kids and hand them their flowers I bought them. It's not like it was a competition or anything, but my team treats everything like it is, and try our hardest. That sounded cheesy.

I grab my coat because It's getting a little chilly out, and it is like 7 at night. And in the middle of October.

When i step outside to look around for Niall, i feel a presence next to me. I turn around and jump when I see someone standing there. "Sorry to scare you, love." I slight British accent responds. It was a man a bit taller than me and wearing a large jacket, so you couldnt see their face, but i knew exactly who it was.

"Louis?" i whisper. The body turns so that it's sparkling blue eyes meet mine.

"Long time no see, Nicole." he smirks.

"What are you doing here?" i whisper again. It has been awhile. Last time i saw, or spoke to him, was Junior Prom. And interesting time.

"Why are you whispering?" he asks, leaning closer. Good question.

"Well, cause of your fans and stuff... right?" Being in a famous boyband isnt normal, so you would think there would be girls all over.

"I'm covered." he motions to his outfit.

"You can still see your face though, stupid." i giggle. "What are you doing here, though?"

"I came to say sorry." he suddenly is serious.

"You came all the way from London to say sorry? That's sweet, Lou, but you could of just called me." I grin and he nudges me.

"I wanted it to be special." suddenly he's down on both knees with my hands in his, "Please Nicole please. Forgive me for being such an asshole to you in high school. I'm sorry. I don't know what was wrong with me."

I look around to make sure no ones staring, I really don't need to be seen with another boy from One Direction. "Louis, get up." I laugh and pull him up. "It's alright, I forgave you a long time ago."

"Thank God! Anyways, you're totally even hotter now, so if Niall ever hurts you again, come for me. I'll be waiting for you." he winks. I raise my eyebrows and open my mouth to speak when Louis is shoved to the side.

"You messing wit my girl, punk?" Niall asks, getting up in his face. Louis challenges him and I roll my eyes.

"Nothing's changed, huh?" Niall slaps Louis in the back of the head and turns around to me.

"You look beautiful, Nik. Great job with the concert. It's an amazing choir." he smiles.

"Thanks. You guys were there?" i look down at my shoes so they can't see me blush. They both nod and congratulate me. About 10 minutes later Louis gets a call from their hotel saying they need to change their room because the locks broke or something like that. He heads off so it's just me and Niall. "So..." i sigh awkwardly.

"How are you?" he asks without looking at me.

"Good, good. You?" I look away too so it's not like I'm just sitting there staring.

"Pretty good." Silence follows. My face starts to get hot. Niall turns to look at me, "What are we doing?"

"Huh?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Why can't we talk to eachother? It's like we don't know eachother anymore."

I suddenly feel angry, "Oh i dunno, maybe cause you ditched me for all those screaming girls."

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