Chapter 32: Why not take a Trip?

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: mpz1023


--Nicole's pov--

I flop down on my bed and sigh. I am so frikin bored. The only thing I hate about summer is that you're always so bored. I could get Lizzy to come over. Or Laura. Or Leah. But my phone's all the way downstairs...

I sit up and stare at my open closet. My eyes wonder over to the outfit I wore on me and Niall's day the other day. It's been like 3 days since I've talked to him. I should probably go see him I guess.

We were gonna hang out again the day my mom broke the news to us, but I canceled our plans because I actually, ya know, wanted to hang with my mommy. Then the day after me and Faith went shopping while my mom was at the doctors. She didn't want us to go with her for some apparent reason. Then yesterday, Niall said he was busy with his dad or something. I think he came back from his trip yesterday, that's why. But he texted me this morning saying he needed to tell me something, so I should probably go see him. He used like 10 explanation points, so I guess it's pretty serious.

I slide off my bed and walk out my door to downstairs. "I'm gonna go over to Niall's ok?" I say to my mom and Faith, baking cookies in the kitchen. Im glad my mom is our mom again. WE all act like she never left. It's kinda nice.

"Alright, behave yourself." She says to me, raising an eyebrow. I filled her in about me and Niall's relationship so far, and now she thinks I'm gonna get pregnant or something. Like totally. I'm that kind of chick.

I roll my eyes and walk outside. Ew it's so warm out. I look up at the blue sky. I smile as I remember me and Niall always watching the clouds, sharing what we saw in each one. He usually saw food and complain that he was hungry, so that game always ended quickly.

I hear the door open and I turn my head to see Niall walking outside. He probably saw me from his window and came out. Wait why the heck would we stay outside. Its as hot as hell out here. "Nicole!" he runs over to me and I casually walk towards him. When we meet, he picks me up and swings me around. "It's only been like 3 days" I giggle. He sets me down and smiles, "but I missed your gorgeous smile."

I blush, "Thanks Nialler. What did you want to tell me?"

"Oh yeah! But first I have to ask you something."


"Alright..." He smiles and just stares at me from a second. Then he kneels down onto one knee and takes my hand. I swear to God if he proposes I'm going to scream .What the hell is going on?!

"Nicole Paige Anderson, will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?"

Exhale in relief, it's all good. "Well duh, of course I will be."

He smiles and jumps up, giving me a peck on my lips. "thankyou, I was worried you were gonna say no."

"Why would I say no?" I laugh.

"You never know." He shrugs.

We sit down on the grass between our houses, and Niall rests his head in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair and I fill him in on my "new" mom and Faith's surgery that is going to be in like a week. My mom, Faith, and me were the only ones who knew. But I needed to tell someone because I like, I don't know, didnt like holding it in I guess. "I'm sorry about your mom's cancer." He says, looking up at me.

"So am I." I sigh. "But I was wondering if you would come with me to Faith's surgery. I really want someone to be there with me, that knows her as much as I do. And i need the company." i smile.

"Yeah of course. I'm always here for you."

I smile to myself as I look dow at him. His original brown hair was starting to come back. "You're brown is showing." I laugh.

"Just Friends" (1D fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें