Chapter 34: Icecream

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--Nicole's pov--

"OK, so you're telling me, that you love me? Is that it?" I ask Tristan as I  pace in front of the couch he is sitting on. I moved him to the office room so we wouldn't wake Faith with our talking, or possibly screaming. I cant stand this child right now.

"Yes, that's what I've been trying to tell you." He smiles up at me. It's currently 11:30 pm. So, so far, it's taken me an hour or so to completely wrap my brain around what the heck he is talking about. But what really gets me, is how all of a sudden guys start liking me. Like first Louis (or so I thought), then Niall, then that creep at the hospital, now Tristan? Like no one even knew I was even alive for 3 years of highschool, and now guys just come and attack me? Like did I all of a sudden become gorgeous and sexy over night? How bout no.

"Why all of a sudden do you like me? Like what is this? You asked Faith out like a month ago, and now you say you love her older sister? Who, must I remind you, is nearly 4 years older then you." This child is an idiot. How the hell could I love him back?

1) he's dating my lovely little sister

b) He's like 5

"I know, I know. But I'm willing to fight for our love if you are." He simply says. Now this, breaks me into a complete laughing fit. "Y-you? Think I-I would d-date you-u?!" He just pouts and crosses his arms like  little kid. which he is.

"No, sweetheart. There's so many things wrong with this situation." I say to Tristan after I catch my breath.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He asks raising an eyebrow. I gotta say he looks pretty cute when he does that. But like not that way, I mean like puppy-cute. Ew no. Not that way. ew.

"Well you're dating my sister, I technically could be your babysitter, I don't like you that way, I really have only talked to you like 4 times, and I already have a boyfriend." With the ending of my reasons, Tristan shoots up from the couch and is over to me in like 3 seconds. Man, that kid moves fast.

"You have a boyfriend?" Our faces are like a couple centimeters apart and it's making me really uncomfortable.

"Yeah... It's Niall... you know... the guy that lives next door?" I ask.

"I knew it! I KNEW IT! You're cheating on me!" He throws his hands up in the air and walks away.

"What are you talking about? We were never, and never will be, together!" wtf man.

He turns back around with big eyes, "But we could be."

"How bout no. Seriously Tristan, get out." 

"But-" he starts.

"No." I say pointing to the door. "Just get out. I'll tell Faith something but get out now. I cant believe you."

Tristan slumps his head down and heads for the door. He reaches for the door handle when I hear walking on the carpet. I turn around to see Faith rubbing her eye. "Nikki, what's going on? WHo are you talking to?" she looks up o see her jerk boyfriend standing there. Dude he looks like he's going to pee his pants. (heeheehee in his face)

"Yeah Tristan, why don't you tell Faith why you're here." I turn to face him and he shoots me a glare.

"I'm so confused." Faith whines.

"Well... umm... umm..." Tristan starts muttering.

"Go on, just tell her." I give him a small smirk.

"Well... Ikindoffellinlovewithyou'resisterandi'mheretobreakupwithyoubecauseidontlikeyouanymoredontgetmad." He says fastly.

Faith looks so confused. Her face is priceless. "Repeat that? Slower this time?"

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