Chapter 21: The Heart of Life

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--Nicole's pov--

I slam the door to the cab as it drives away. I run up my driveway, open the door, and slam it shut. Faith calls my name, but I don't care. I can't talk right now. I run up the stairs, slam my door open and close it right after. After I peel my dress off and climb in my bed without even bothering to pull on a shirt or pajama pants.

I shove my head in my pillow, pull the covers over me, then I let it all out. I scream and cry till there's nothing left. How could he do that? I thought that he might actually like me. SOMEONE might of liked me. But I should if known. No one likes me.

I'm hideous, and I should've seen it before. Of course he would want someone prettier, like Melissa.

Tristan knocks on my door to see if I'm ok, but I scream him away. I'm not even sure of what I screamed, all I know is that he left. I ignore my phone as I get all these calls and texts from Laura, Lizzy, Liam, Zayn, and Harry. I cant face them.

I cry harder and harder as the memories of the whole night come flooding back. We were having so much fun. At least I thought he was having fun. But I guess not.

I hate myself.

I scream again. It hurts. My throat hurts from screaming. My head hurts. My eyes burn. And most importantly, my heart hurts. I feel like I'm falling apart.

I hear another knock at my door, "go away!" I scream louder.

"No." A muffled voice yells back.

I have no idea how to answer, so I just scream again.

A couple seconds later, another knock comes. "I said go!" I yell.

"Can I please come in?" The voice says from the other side of the door.

"No!" I scream again.

"Come on, Princess." 

Wait, there's only one person who calls me princess, and it's not Tristan.

"Niall?" My voice cracks.

"Yes genius. Now can I come in? I've got a surprise for you." He muffles.

"Fine. The doors been unlocked this whole time." I mutter and pull the covers back over my head so he can't see me. I look like a monster.

I hear him open and close the door before coming over and sitting on the edge of my bed.

He doesn't say anything, silence follows.

"What do you want?" I ask, my head still under the covers.

"Oh I don't know, maybe I wanted to see if you were ok?" Niall laughs.

"Don't laugh at me!" I yell.

"Don't get mad ok. Chill. I have a surprise for you."

"I don't want it."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't. I-"

"Just shut up and listen ok?" He says cutting me off.

"Ok." I say slowly.

I hear him pick something up from the ground and place it on my bed beside him. He clears his throat. What could he possibly have even gotten me? I don't bother to look tho, im too bundled up in my covers, and I don't plan on leaving them anytime soon.

I hear him strum a few notes on his guitar before beginning a song. I should of realized it before, he knows that his singing always makes me feel better, and the best part is that he's playing a John Mayer song. I can tell by the first few notes, he's playing my favorite song by him: The Heart Of Life. He always remembers every little thing about me. John Mayer is my coping music for depression. idk why, its just that John sounds depressed too, so we can be depressed buds ya know? yay.

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