Chapter 19: Prom Perfection?

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--Nicole's pov--

"Ok, just let me finish your makeup and you can take a look." Lizzy whines as I sigh is aggravation. Laura and Lizzy have been working on me for like 3 hours now. (Don't worry, we made them hotties first. It only took them like an hour and a half tho...)

"DONE!" Lizzy yells. I stand up, I'm about to turn to the mirror when Laura stops me. And when I say stop, I mean like shoves me so I can't see the mirror. "Wait! Put your dress on first!"

"Do I have-" I start.

"NOW." She yells.

"Ok!" I say scared. Lizzy chuckles to herself.

Laura helps me wiggle into my dress and I finally turn to the mirror. I gasp as I take in my new form.

Laura curled my hair to perfection, and Lizzy did my makeup perfectly, so that it all matched my dress. I feel tears start to build in my eyes, but quickly blink them away. They would kill me if I messed anything up... Especially Laura. She gets a little obsessed with these types of things...

"Guys..." I start, but instead just tackle them into a group hug, cause what they've done, is like the world to me. "I look like a princess." I smile into the mirror.

Lizzy struggles to put my earrings in as I slip on my bracelets. I finally got my cast off this morning. It feels so weird...

"LET ME SEE MY HOT SISTER!" Faith screams from downstairs. I hear Tristan laugh. Faith only has a couple weeks left of school, and she's getting her casts off on the last day of school. Tristan wanted to take her out to the movies, but since she can't really move it's awkward so he just came over to our house and brought a couple of movies with. They're gonna have a scary movie marathon or something. It's gonna be fun. For them I mean, not me. That'd be even more awkward...

"Coming!" I yell back down the stairs. I look back at the mirror once more, making sure I could remember this moment. I actually think I look close to being a supermodel.

"You look hot." Laura smiles. "And you wanna know why?"

I tilt my head, "why?"


I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

"We're waiting!" Tristan yells.

"K, go to them chica." Laura smiles.

I nod, and walk out of the bathroom. I strike a pose at the top of the stairs just for Faith. She smiles up at me from downstairs. Tristan chuckles.

I waltz down the stairs, making supermodel poses as I go. Faith's laughing gets harder as I get farther down the stairs.

I get to the bottom and strike my last pose. By this time Faith is dying im with laughter, and I think I've scarred Tristan for life.

When Faith catches her breath, she compliments me, "you look gorgeous Nicole."

I beam at her. "Yeah, you look hot," Tristan adds. Faith elbows him in the gut. "I mean, not as hot as Faith tho..."

I laugh. "Thanks guys." Lizzy and Laura hop down the stairs behind me. "Can't forget the finishing touch tho!" Lizzy grins.

"Ooooh gimme gimme gimme!" Faith hold out her hands like a little kid wanting candy. Lizzy hands her my necklace. Since Faith couldn't really help at all, we promised her she could put on my necklace.

I sit down at the edge of the couch and pull my hair away from the back of my neck. She puts the necklace around my neck and hooks the back. I smile back at her as she wipes some stray tears from her eyes. "Aww..." I give her a hug. "What's wrong?"

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